I voted yes for a number of reasons
Firslty, I detest with a passion the majority of those campaigning for a no vote. If they are not the purveyors of a defunct political idealogy(Marxism), then they are incapable of saying anything other then No(Patricia McKenna) or have the blood of thousands on their hands
But I did actually try to get over my prejudicies and try to look objectively at the Treaty. My conclusions???
I actually have no problem with us loosing a commissioner for a few years. Reality is that there are more countries then commissioners and it is only fair that others have their turn.
I found I have no problem with some privitisation of public services. I am fed up with incompetent civil servants who cannot be sacked getting away with incompetence. Mrs Sox gave birth last year and suffered for 30 minutes because a mid wife did not understand how an epidural machine worked properly. Behaviour like that doesn't happen in the private sector because that mid wife would have been sacked. Imagine how many bureaucrats would be sacked in the HSE if it was run along commercial lines
I have no problem with Ireland giving up some of it's neutraility. The concept of neutrality is often put forward as if it is some sort of "holy, sacred" belief. The reality is that there is a time and a place to be neutral and a time and a place when it is the right thing to stand up and fight. It is to this nations undying shame that we stayed neutral in WW2, that we did not stand up and fight the evil that was Nazism and concentration camps and stood by and watched 6 million jewish people die and instead commisserated with the Germans when Hitler died, because we were neutral. And who knows, maybe a time will come when we need someone to stand up for us, would anyone rush to our aid if we aren't prepare to rush to their
Lastly, Europe has been good for us, very good for us and this country would be well and truely f..ked if it weren't for it. So there might be a cost for us if we vote yes, so what?
There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who are prepared to get up and give something back to their community and those who sit behind closed doors, never giving anything back and just take take take. Lisbon is asking us to give a little back, it's the right, proper and decent thing to do. I'm proud I voted Yes