The European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users

Brendan Burgess

The Central Bank had a conference yesterday and one of the speakers came from this EU funded organisation

In 2009, for the first time, all types of financial services users such as individual shareholders, fund investors, insurance policyholders, bank savers, pension funds participants, borrowers and others, joined forces to create BETTER FINANCE. Today BETTER FINANCE counts nearly 40, independent, national and international member and sub-member organisations, mainly from EU Member States but also other countries such as Iceland, Norway, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon and Cameroon.

BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, is the public interest non-governmental organisation advocating and defending the interests of European citizens as financial services users at European level to lawmakers and the public in order to promote research, information and training on investments, savings and personal finances. It is the one and only European-level organisation solely dedicated to the representation of individual investors, savers and other financial services users.

BETTER FINANCE represents about 4 million financial services users through nearly 40 organisations in 25 countries, including 18 European Member States. Join us and make sure your constituents are heard at the European level.
The UK has a few such groups

Which? represents Consumers Generally

There is another organisation representing small shareholders.

There is probably a mortgage holders group as well.

We have the Consumers Association of Ireland.

FWIW, the national organisations who are affiliated with Better Finance are listed here (under "Member organisations"):