The Eucharistic Congress in 2012

Or alternatively...

1. My choc-ice melted on my hand
2. This is a bad thing to happen and it upset me.
3. God--an omniscient, wholly good being--would not allow bad things to happen to me
4. I must have been bad so I am being punished.
5. I should pray for forgiveness, and try harder not to offend Him
The Banker, you cannot tarnish every priest, they were not all involved in cover ups. We're only talking of a small minority here. Who I feel sorry for is the priest who is going about his day to day duty. In the light of what happened it cannot be easy for him.

I think by mentioning the hierarchy you have pinpointed the culprits but that still leaves alot of 'good priests' who should not be tarnished with the same brush.
The point I am making is aimed at people who take offence and try to limit discussions.
And yes, you can mock anything you like. If people take offence, thats down to their own sensitivities. The best defence to offence is to ignore it.

Mocking isnt discussing.
I take offense when it is obvious ignorance of what the Eucharistic Congress means to a lot of people and is then spun in to a forum for having a go at The Church.
Anyone can comment on, for example, the economy, but constructive comments mean you are discussing the topic. Anything else and your just having a go at something you know nothing about and are consequently limiting discussion.
Well said

Fair enough. But I'd like to think anyone who is offended by wry comments/jokes aimed at The Church, which will not damage anybody except their sensitivities, would also be VERY offended at that Church for committing child abuse.

Anyway, I think an organisation like the Catholic Church is well able to take a bit of a joke now and then.

The Eucharistic Congress means something to a lot of people. It means nothing to me. Does this mean I am not entitled to air my opinion? Or should I be quiet, because my opinion is construed as by some 'mocking'? From your post above it would seem that if I dont agree with YOUR opinion then I should be quiet because I am limiting discussion - hmmmmmm, strange the way the church can brainwash people into thinking its acceptable to shut down other peoples viewpoints.

Personally I try not to mock or cause offence on AAM just in case I upset anyone.
Personally I try not to mock or cause offence on AAM just in case I upset anyone.


I had no idea a small comment that I thought was funny would be construed as 'mocking' or 'offensive' to anyone - which only strengthens MY view that there is danger in religion - whoops I better be careful, someone out there might think Im being offensive!!!

Seriously though, Im amazed anyone would take the Rooster Worship post to heart!!! Why did no one react to the Father Ted post on page 1 in the same way?

For what its worth to anyone out there who feels offended by my Rooster Worship comment, I did not intend to mock the Catholic Church, Islam, Judaism, Jedi Knights, or any other religious organisation. I humbly offer my apology to any of those people who did not see the humour in my comment.
I certainly think a trip to Damascus would'nt do you any harm atall!

I had to google this as I didnt know what you meant, from what I can gather St Paul was going there to annihilate christians and then became converted to Christanity on the road to Damascus.

Now - just to clarify, I never mentioned anywhere that I wanted to annihilate anyone.
Suggesting that I take the road to Damascus would indicate to me that you think I need to be converted.

Is that not just as offensive as me suggesting that a Catholic gives up their faith? (which I did not suggest).
Fair enough. But I'd like to think anyone who is offended by wry comments/jokes aimed at The Church, which will not damage anybody except their sensitivities, would also be VERY offended at that Church for committing child abuse

You realise the 'church' didn't commit child abuse, just like the schools, swim instructors etc aren't responsible. It was the individuals who commited the crimes and to simply label the church as the offenders is lazy and obviously meant to rile people. The hierarchy as you already put it have alot to answer for but there is alot more to 'the church' than just them.

hmmmmmm, strange the way the church can brainwash people into thinking its acceptable to shut down other peoples viewpoints
Or it could simply be peoples viewpoint minus the brainwashing, seems more plausible to me.

Seriously though, Im amazed anyone would take the Rooster Worship post to heart!!! Why did no one react to the Father Ted post on page 1 in the same way?
Because it seemed more of a put down considering the post the preceded it.

Is that not just as offensive as me suggesting that a Catholic gives up their faith? (which I did not suggest).

If that was the suggestion then yes you could see it that way (we just agreed).
I certainly don't mean to offend you truthseeker atall and it was the 'conversion' side of things I was thinking of. Maybe the comparison is slightly different, as far as I can gather you were baptised into the Catholic faith but don't practice it now---telling a Catholic give up their religion is not exactly the same.

A 'conversion' implies a switch from one belief system to another. You implied I should 'convert' - this could be construed as offensive to me as it would be if I suggested to a Catholic that they should 'convert' to Atheism.
The way I see it, and I don't think I'm alone here is that if you want to believe in an imaginary creature/being/entity and live your live believing that whatever he/she/it/they say is fact and not to be questioned, then fine, off you go.

However, when these same people abuse the position they find themselves in (due to the ignorance of the gen.pop) then we have a problem.

Dictating to (imo) misguided people is one thing, but when the dictating is to heads of state (GWB et al) it's a different story. This inevitably results in massive financial benefits for the organisation. The utter horror of what happened so many children in this country alone with its tiny population was the last straw. Remember, these priests (and yes I know people are fallible blah blah blah) were gods chosen representatives on this planet. What does that say about god? More to the point, what does that say about those who still, after all the lies/cover-ups/etc, STILL believe in the inherent goodness of a makey-uppy dude in a dressing gown who sees all, knows all, and can do all, yet does f.. all to intervene in the evil that (his) men do ?

I would go so far as to say that people who believe all this religious hokum are not just deluded, but demented, and are to be pitied...certainly not to be let into any position of authority over others.

But that's just my opinion

No offence to anyone in particular meant ! Besides, if god does exist, I'm sure he'll forgive me
The way I see it, and I don't think I'm alone here is that if you want to believe in an imaginary creature/being/entity and live your live believing that whatever he/she/it/they say is fact and not to be questioned, then fine, off you go.
Thats nice of you, so we can all believe what we want, well thats a good start anyway.

However, when these same people abuse the position they find themselves in (due to the ignorance of the gen.pop) then we have a problem
Well I guess you could debate actually who are the ignorant ones.

The utter horror of what happened so many children in this country alone with its tiny population was the last straw.

If abuse within the clergy hadn't happened would you hold the same views? Would you accept that it was a minority of the clergy that were abusing?

Apart from being dismissive of how people interpret their god and what gods role is I don't think you can really sum up peoples views and beliefs through a short paragraph of petty jibes.

I would go so far as to say that people who believe all this religious hokum are not just deluded, but demented, and are to be pitied...certainly not to be let into any position of authority over others.

That is your opinion, but I don't think your pity is required but its nice that you care.