The Daily Mail

She buys it on a saturday for the mag
Yes, mostly. She likes the crossword in the magazine. When we do get the Mail I skim the political and financial articles, the rest doesn't interest me. The acerbic reaction to the Mail here is, IMHO, overzealous. The paper of record (no doubt held in high regard by many here) is far from perfect, often printing duff or sycophantic articles. The old maxim of 'don't believe everything you read' applies to all newspapers.
When looking at the photos of the models/wags etc in the mail i get the feeling a lot of these women look like they are deformed well maybe its the fashion to look that way
Daily Mail in England 50p
The Sun 20p.

The Irish version is only a rag and they often leave off ati Irish articles which are in the "mainland" edition
Can't see what the problem is specifically with the Daily mail. All the press is biased or has its own agenda in some way or another. The only difference is the way it's sold to the readers.

Red tops use small words and has a low reading age and tits. The message is still the same.
Broadsheets use bigger words and like the reader to think of themselves as educated. Like the Red tops, still have their own agendas
Daily mail is somewhere in between the two.

It's just marketing. No paper is any better or worse, they've just targeted a different market sector.
Can't see what the problem is specifically with the Daily mail. All the press is biased or has its own agenda in some way or another. The only difference is the way it's sold to the readers.

Yes but would you prefer an agenda promoting arty left leaning liberalism and veggie-ism - and well written - e.g. The Guardian? May not be to everyone's taste but not exactly dangerous.

Or an agenda promoting moral panic, jingoistic traditional values, homophobia and racism - and often poorly written - like the DM?
The Irish Daily Mail campaigned in a vicious and sometimes personalised manner in favour of the HPV Vaccine for girls. While simultaneous its parent "newspaper" The Daily Mail campaigned in a nasty and vicious way against its introduction in England.

I contend that neither paper understands the complex medical and scientific issues at play and in any event one of them must be wrong.

These papers construct these jingoistic campaigns with a view to increasing sales and have no compunction in distorting the facts to achieve their aims.

wiki said:
The parent company Daily Mail in London has also faced allegations back in 1997 of anti-Irish prejudice, and has been reported to the Press Complaints Commission on these grounds by non-governmental organisation from Northern Ireland the Pat Finucane Centre.
In April 2009, it was pointed out by popular British science blog The Lay Scientist that while the Irish Daily Mail were campaigning for the reintroduction of the HPV vaccine in Ireland, the Daily Mail in London were printing stories overwhelmingly attacking the vaccine [11]. While some might see this as a sign of the Irish paper's independence from the British Daily Mail, the apparent contradiction was condemned by many, including comedy writer Graham Linehan [12]
Yes but would you prefer an agenda promoting arty left leaning liberalism and veggie-ism - and well written - e.g. The Guardian? May not be to everyone's taste but not exactly dangerous.

Or an agenda promoting moral panic, jingoistic traditional values, homophobia and racism - and often poorly written - like the DM?
That would depend on my political views.
If I was a left wing person, I'd prefer the Guardian, if I was right wing, then maybe the Daily Mail. Both are 'dangerous'. The government needs the media on its side. Wait and see what happens with the Unions.

Like I said earlier, it's all marketing.
The Guardian is only left leaning but the Mail is rampantly right wing - there is a big difference. There are other right wing British papers that aren't as xenophobic as the mail anyway.

My objection is not simply that the Mail is right wing, it is because it expresses it's editorial stance in a particularly unfair and nasty manner.
My objection is not simply that the Mail is right wing, it is because it expresses it's editorial stance in a particularly unfair and nasty manner.
Ask yourself what's worse?
Insidious propaganda, or blatant propaganda.

How 'left wing' or 'right wing' you perceive something to be is probably relative to your own political stance. Did you ever read the morning star?
Ask yourself what's worse?
Insidious propaganda, or blatant propaganda.

I know what you mean and good point. Although the Mail is insidious when compared to The Sun for example.

I guess apart from everything else it's also the curtain twitching smugness of the DM that rankles. They see themselves as a world apart from the other tabloids but they are really no better.
Most people buy the paper that empathises with their views. Why buy a paper that leaves you seething?
Most people buy the paper that empathises with their views. Why buy a paper that leaves you seething?

there is only one UK paper that is not left or right wing -

The Financial Times. By far the best paper in the UK, devoid of leaning, just great coverage.

Otherwise you have the Guardian and Independent for the left and the Telegragh for the right. The Times is slightly right but fairly central I would say.

The rest are chav rags.
of Atilla the Hun.

Yes, slightly right. Unfortunately they moved a bit left once ZanuLabour got into power.

Thankfully they are now realising the errors of their ways and coming back to the proper centre right, private industry; wealth creating viewpoint.
there is only one UK paper that is not left or right wing -

The Financial Times. By far the best paper in the UK, devoid of leaning, just great coverage.

Otherwise you have the Guardian and Independent for the left and the Telegragh for the right. The Times is slightly right but fairly central I would say.

The rest are chav rags.
I would say that The Independent is fairly OK. The Grauniad has too many long haired men and short haired ladies to be taken seriously. The Times for those who think that Britannia STILL rules the, um, ........ whatever.
I dont know why you are all complaining about the Daily Mail. My local bookie gives me the freebie CD always and the rest of the paper I use to light my fire.

Oh! it has news? What news? I call it Burning Issues.
... My local bookie gives me the freebie CD always and the rest of the paper I use to light my fire...
It's a strange way of settling bets, but hey, if you're happy (and I'm sure the bookie is) I suppose it's a win-win. :)