the dail nearly always empty but only 8 mins for debate


Registered User
I always suspected that shower did very little and this proves it " 8 minutes to debate respite care" they have no shame.

fintan o'toole today puts the right inflection on it.

Kenny's dead words fail to convince.

[broken link removed]

Govt. could easily find savings by cutting useless govt. waste.

What we get is a complete level of cowardice from these people.

Not one of them voted aganist the motion last night.
NOAH, each section of the Social Welfare Bill, where respite care allowance is only one small part of, must be debated and voted on. Opposition parties are allowed submit amendments to the bill and these must pass a committee stage before being signed into law.

The Social Welfare Bill will form a new piece of legislation. So by saying they only debate the issue for 8 minutes is not true as the opposition have the power to submit amendments to that particular section, which must then be discussed at committee stage too.
Yeah but RonanC they're just facts you know, since when did they matter when discussing anything?