The D March

Re: Complainer...What is the relevance of the time or the temperature? ...
Its called humour, Firefly clearly understood, temp, time and so on are completely irrelevant.
Re: Bill..... On a Friday, yes that’s fine, but its local term.... like P.Kavanagh "Of an Autumn day.
My sense of humour is clearly wasted here,....I will refrain...NOT.

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds
Originally Posted by Maximus152
My sense of humour is clearly wasted here,.

Its Only on wasted on some.:rolleyes: Most of us sense of humour..keep it up Maximus152
IIRC the march was organised a few weeks prior to the IMF arriving, but the timing was perfect for many.

I think most people went out of some urge to show discontent, but in full knowledge it wouldn't result in the Dail suddenly disbanding. Most I spoke to who went accepted this but wanted to do something to show how annoyed they are and not just the usual Joe Duffy route or wait for the actual election.

The nation's apathy has been too easily bought the last 15 years or so and at least this is a good sign of perhaps some bite comming back to the population.

Overall, I think the "union" issue was lost on many of those people there in so much as it was a general demonstration rather than one with a specific ideology. While the actual case might be otherwise, generally for most I know, the whole "union" issue was diluted by the volume of people just wanting to show anger.
Very interesting Joe Duffy show today.

According to Joe ,the Irish Times and the Observer both go with the marchers totalling 100,000 - a figure agreed by most marchers as being approximately correct.

Joe interviewed Jack O'Connor who confirmed that he had voluntarily taken a 10% pay cut last year and a 20% reduction to his pension.

Jack further confirmed that he never had nor ever would accept a seat on the board of any other company or organisation and indeed he pointed out that members of SIPTU under their constitution were precluded from accepting salaries for such service - either they were'nt paid or their salary was added to union funds , in any event no individual benefited.

Jack further went on to say that he had no problem with Union officials serving on such boards as the more worker representation the better - it just was'nt for him.

Jack confirmed that he was booed - by people who were seeking a general one day strike - which Jack as a sensible man did'nt think was warranted at this stage - this I can attest to as I was there.

One of the good things about the march was the general consensus that the anger was most directed where it belonged - the current government and the banks.

Are you really saying that the beards were only booed because thy would not organise a strike? If so you're in cloud cuckoo land with them!
Are you really saying that the beards were only booed because thy would not organise a strike? If so you're in cloud cuckoo land with them!

Yep , small but voluble group with placards demanding a one day national strike booed Jack - hey it's a democracy after all and as I pointed out they constituted a tiny minority .

Were you actually present on the march ?