The D March


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The march (Dublin,Ireland 28.11.10..of a Saturday aftrenoon just before lunchtime...temp 5 Deg C)....what did it achieve. I think it was as useful as a pencil with no lead....pointless! Am I wrong?
No. It was of some use. It showed how servile and beaten the Irish people are. We know that we are going to be hammered in the Budget for the next number of years. We know that the wealthy, the developers, the bankers are getting away scot free but instead of showing our anger in a mass demonstration that would send shivers throughout the EU, IMF and the Governement/Opposition the Irish people bar a disputed fifty thousand were too busy shopping or watching the Saturday soccer to get off their backsides and protest.

The Government can do whatever they want to us now. The people have rang Joe Duffy and expressed their anger. Loss of sovereignity !!! The Irish would be more concerned if they lost access to ITV for Coronation St. and stories of the royal weddingEnd of story.
By any chance were David Begg & Jack O'Connor overwhelmed by the irony of them speaking at a protest denouncing the decisions of those who fanned the flames of the boom ?

No ?

Thought not :rolleyes:.
David Begg & Jack O'Connor?

They had a track worn in and out of Govt. Buildings during the celtic tiger era.
Or did Finton O'Toole not see the irony of speaking about reform at a trade union event. Not extacly the poster boys for progress and reform (unless it suits them of course)
Or did Finton O'Toole not see the irony of speaking about reform at a trade union event. Not extacly the poster boys for progress and reform (unless it suits them of course)

Doesn't he have a book out at the minute or am I being far too cynical?
The march (Dublin,Ireland 28.11.10..of a Saturday aftrenoon just before lunchtime...temp 5 Deg C)....
What is the relevance of the time or the temperature? Would you be suggesting that marches should only be scheduled for warm days? Or cold days? Or work days?
Joe Duffy show is on at the moment and they are talking about the numbers at the march.
He is really showing his true colours...
So the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (read - Socialist Delusionals) were marching in Dublin against Govt austerity... Where do this Dogma before Logic lot (sorry... People before Profit) suggest the money comes from that they want spending...? In truth though, I'm a bit jealous of these Reds and Trots... It must be great to live in the splendid isolation of a normative bubble.......

By any chance were David Begg & Jack O'Connor overwhelmed by the irony of them speaking at a protest denouncing the decisions of those who fanned the flames of the boom ?

No ?

Thought not :rolleyes:.

Plenty of reports that Begg & O'Connor were heckled and booed as they spoke.

So much for support - I wonder how many of those attending the march were completely removed from ICTU and resented the unions for the slimy hypocritcal wasters and buffoons that they are?
I was there and I've no connection to any unions - I'm aware of their involvement (in as much as I can be) in this mess that we find ourselves in. I just wanted to make some noise and vent some steam I guess and there were a lot of people like me there also - it wasn't just unions.
Saying that, I'm not sure what use it was.
Very interesting Joe Duffy show today.

According to Joe ,the Irish Times and the Observer both go with the marchers totalling 100,000 - a figure agreed by most marchers as being approximately correct.

Joe interviewed Jack O'Connor who confirmed that he had voluntarily taken a 10% pay cut last year and a 20% reduction to his pension.

Jack further confirmed that he never had nor ever would accept a seat on the board of any other company or organisation and indeed he pointed out that members of SIPTU under their constitution were precluded from accepting salaries for such service - either they were'nt paid or their salary was added to union funds , in any event no individual benefited.

Jack further went on to say that he had no problem with Union officials serving on such boards as the more worker representation the better - it just was'nt for him.

Jack confirmed that he was booed - by people who were seeking a general one day strike - which Jack as a sensible man did'nt think was warranted at this stage - this I can attest to as I was there.

One of the good things about the march was the general consensus that the anger was most directed where it belonged - the current government and the banks.
According to Joe ,the Irish Times and the Observer both go with the marchers totalling 100,000 - a figure agreed by most marchers as being approximately correct.
The marchers must have been doing some serious looking around and counting! :)
I didn't see the Observer but the Irish Times reports that "50,000 on streets to oppose cuts programme" - in the article commenting that "unions say was attended by 100,000 people".

So when Jack tells his diminishing credulous loyalists that the IT backs him up he's really backing up his numbers with his own numbers.

I trust the professionalism of the Gardai in producing these figures, they need to be able to accurately estimate crowd numbers to be able to police it properly, e.g. redirect gardai from elsewhere if the number is higher than expected.

Also while some were booing about the lack of a general strike, many more were booing about Jack's own salary - and being told he was one of "them" in relation to politians etc..

You don't need to rely on anyone's word for this luckily there's youtube footage so we don't need RTE's or Jack's edited versions. (titled No Independent Media allowed (GPO, Dublin 27/11/10) )
I applaud people who went with a genuine interest to show their anger and I think that we can have peaceful events like this is a credit to both the organisers and the people who took part. However, it doesnt achieve anything. Just like the protests in greece that led to deaths of innocent bank workers achieved nothing. If people want to protest, then simply show it at the ballot box. Make demands of your politicians that go beyond local pot holes. Demand serious reform of our political an senior civil servant system. That would be a more lasting legacy than 50-100k people freezing their butts off in Dublin.
Just realise I sound like that idiot Fintan O'toole. Seriously not the intention!
I didn't see the Observer but the Irish Times reports that "50,000 on streets to oppose cuts programme" - in the article commenting that "unions say was attended by 100,000 people".

So when Jack tells his diminishing credulous loyalists that the IT backs him up he's really backing up his numbers with his own numbers.

I trust the professionalism of the Gardai in producing these figures, they need to be able to accurately estimate crowd numbers to be able to police it properly, e.g. redirect gardai from elsewhere if the number is higher than expected.

Also while some were booing about the lack of a general strike, many more were booing about Jack's own salary - and being told he was one of "them" in relation to politians etc..

You don't need to rely on anyone's word for this luckily there's youtube footage so we don't need RTE's or Jack's edited versions. (titled No Independent Media allowed (GPO, Dublin 27/11/10) )

Jack O'Connor never mentioned the Irish Times - it was Joe Duffy.

The majority of people booing Jack wanted a confrontational form of industrial action in the form of a general strike and represented a tiny majority of the huge crowd who greeted Jack's speech with prolonged applause - I know I was there.

The crowd was massive , I know because I marched from Christchurch to O'Connell St and believe me the union estimate was far closer to the true attendance than the Garda figure. - I guess though in the end we just believe who we want to ! - you go with the garda estimate and I'll go with ICTU's estimate and my own eyes .

As an aside I have never seen such a Garda presence at any march , the Government must be really rattled , a country based Garda told me that all leave has been cancelled for the 7th & 8th December and he has been told to make himself available to travel to Dublin - he was bemoaning his lack of riot training !