SF bashing

You are off by a long margin in comparing SF and the BNP - the far more worrying thing as regards this island are the well known links between the BNP and loyalist 'parmilitiaries' in the north. There is a current campaign of intimidation and violence against the chinese community in certain areas of Belfast controlled by loyalists, which is being led by loyalists. There have been attacks on portugese and others and last year a campaign against granting planning permission for a mosque in craigavon/portadown area.

So if you are concerned about SF being racists and akin to the BNP, then the evidence from the north would throw a somewhat different light on matters. I am no fan of the shinners, but am deeply concerned about the extremities of loyalism in the North and their links to British far right organisations.

Nick Griffin will be in Belfast this week meeting loyalist leaders.
SF bashing

> You are off by a long margin in comparing SF and the BNP - the far more worrying thing as regards this island are the well known links between the BNP and loyalist 'parmilitiaries' in the north.

Which makes this BNP campaign all the more ironic in my view...

[broken link removed]
SF Intent

MaceFace says
They want a united Ireland. Simple!
We had a United Ireland before the SFIRA destroyed all that in 1916-1922. SFIRA want Brits out. Smple!

Someone commented that the BNP are more bedfellows of the UFF than SFIRA. True, but then look who SFIRA go to bed with:

Re: SF Intent

We had a United Ireland before the SFIRA destroyed all that in 1916-1922. SFIRA want Brits out. Smple!
Are you looking to stir things up here with that outrageous comment.
Let me rephrase that then in a way that is explicit enough for those who can't understand context of a sentence:
Sinn Fein want a United Ireland governed by the people of Ireland.
They do not want the British people out of the country - they just want rid of the British rulers.

Someone commented that the BNP are more bedfellows of the UFF than SFIRA. True, but then look who SFIRA go to bed with:

No one ever said that Sinn Fein were whiter than white or they did not align themselves with any other organisation (terrorist or otherwise).
The issue being discussed in this thread is about the BNP and how they are out and out racists.
The point being made was that some loyalist groups are also racist in their terrorising of foreign nationals for the only reason that they are of a foreign race.

It annoys me the way people are nowdays calling them SFIRA. This was started by Paisley, and annoyed me then. It is making it out that they are a single entity rather than what it actually is - a polictical arm of a terrorist organisation where this policitical arm does not have control over the terrorists - it just has a voice.

Actually the aim is a FREE United Ireland. Free of British interference that is. Not British people.

Good point about the DUP and BNP connection with Loyalism.

I remember a number of years back seeing a lot of coverage in the media about a high power delegation of Loyalist leaders (including Robinson, McCrea etc) visiting the Israeli West Bank to view the plans for a WALL that was going to be built to corral the Palestinians. Apparently the Loyalists were keen to construct a similiar edifice along the Irish border.

Racist superiority is ingrained in Loyalism.
As they like to say...'We Are The People!'.

Racist superiority is ingrained in Loyalism. As they like to say...'We Are The People!'.

Hmmm ... doesn't Sinn Fein itself mean "Ourselves alone"

Sounds like racial superiority to me.

Indeed, I'd find the rise in the vote for SFIRA more pernicious than any rise in the vote for the BNP, given their large arsenal of illegal weapons received from from FARC / ETA / (insert heinous terrorist organisation's name here)

Why in all the civilised countries of Northern Europe, are we the only ones with terrorist representatives in our legislature ?

> Hmmm ... doesn't Sinn Fein itself mean "Ourselves alone"

A common fallacy - "sinn féin" simply means "ourselves" or "us".

I don't think so, the addition of the word fein emphasises that it is just ourselves (outsiders not welcome)

Well if you want to debate the sinister meaning behind political party names...what does Fianna Fail mean?

Soldiers? Destiny?

> the addition of the word fein emphasises that it is just ourselves (outsiders not welcome)


Sinn Féin (in the Irish language "ourselves" or "we ourselves"; not as sometimes incorrectly translated, "ourselves alone") is an Irish political party...

SFIRA are Separatists not Uniters. Their primary motivation is to Separate. The United Ireland theme is much more strongly motivated by a desire to Separate the North from the UK (against the will etc.) than it is by a desire to Unite the 32 counties.

Scotland has its separatists, so has Wales so indeed has England - it is lucky for the inhabitants of all three that the separatist thrust never attained the fanatical and violent impetus that it did here in Ireland.

I am a United Irelander, a United Kingdomer, indeed a United Europer. Why oh why did the Blueshirts (of all people) take us out of the Commonwealth?

We really do indulge ourselves in this separatist nonsense (neutrality an all that) whilst sponging off the EU and sheltering behind NATO protection.

> I am a United Irelander, a United Kingdomer, indeed a United Europer.

Do you believe that anti-meritocratic systems such as monarchy (titular or otherwise) such as prevail in the UK and many other EU countries are acceptable? I personally don't to be honest.
Re: Separatism

We really do indulge ourselves in this separatist nonsense (neutrality an all that) whilst sponging off the EU and sheltering behind NATO protection.
I would not say we are as separatist as many of the British people are, but then again, not as pro-union as the French or Germans. This is neither a good thing or a bad.
As for sponging off the EU, this is changing and we will shortly become net contributors to the EU. No more sponging.
Sheltering behind NATO? How have we done this?

What I was trying to say was that there are many countries militarily far superior to us and yet economically far inferior. It is human nature that without some constraint that military might would be used to pillage our economic superiority. The reason this doesn't happen is that they are scared to do so. Not scared of Ireland, scared of the immediate retaliation of the UK and the US, ok maybe not NATO.

We enjoy a most privileged position whereby we sponge off the Western institutions without any requirement to defend them.