The 40% Redundancy Liability


Registered User
Scenario ..... An employer cannot afford to pay the 100% redundancy but instead opts to sign the RP50 form with accompanying accountancy documentation. (The employer accepts responsibility for the 40% in signing the RP50). The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment then pays the employee 100% of the redundancy.

My question is ..... How long has the employer got to pay the 40% .... can it be spread out over 2 years for example .... do they chase the money hard ?

see page 27 on above link.

To get a time line answer about recovery time ring the national employment rights authority and explain general query( Private chat, dont take your name or number)
NERA won't be able to give an answer to that. You should perhaps ring DETE and try to get put through to the redundancy recovery section.
I have clients who are owed the refund for over 9 months. If I was an employer I would be inclined not to pay the redundancy. Let the DTE pay it and then refund them the 40%. I cannot understand why the DTE cannot pay the refund within a reasonable period. There seems to be general acceptance that the employee gets what they are entitled to immediately but the employer has to wait. Does no one see the huge inequity in this? We hear BS from the government how credit terms should be minimised. The worst offenders are the state themselves. They demand you pay your VAT within a few weeks and then refuse to pay you the money you are legally entitled to.
Banana Republic - Again!!!