That new SMA understanding parents TV ad - what a crock

I would go as far to say that any mother that doesn't breastfeed, barring medical grounds, is not putting her childs needs first. Time contraints, convenience etc do not cut it I'm afraid.

I think that is a very sweeping statement, bordering on ignorant. Many women don't breast feed for many reasons that aren't related to Time constraints/convenience. One of the most common reasons for not breast feeding is the baby itself not taking to the breast. For me sweeping statements do not cut it I'm afraid.

As I had mentioned, medical grounds or reasons out of mother and babies control were the exception.

The reason I have that point of view is that I have friends/family members that breastfeed but the mainly of them don't, and when asked why the reasons ranged from 'my poor breasts!' 'people would stare in public' the fact that it's more convenint for the mother to use the formula. I don't find these as valid reasons I'm afraid, that's all
As I had mentioned, medical grounds or reasons out of mother and babies control were the exception.

In fairness, the first time you didn't say reasons out of a mothers and babies control just medical grounds.

My experience has been different to yours, Id say 90% of the woman I know have breast feed and those that havent, havent done so as it didnt suit/embarassment/etc. but rather because it didnt take. In one case a friend stop quite quickly as it hurt very badly. I would agree with Vanilla -

I feel that a happy and relaxed mother means a happy and relaxed baby. So whatever works for the mother is what is best.
Originally Posted by sinbadsailor
I would go as far to say that any mother that doesn't breastfeed, barring medical grounds, is not putting her childs needs first.

Rubbish! All women and babies are different, and the same solution doesnt suit everyone. I agree with Vanilla when she said a happy, relaxed mum helps make a happy, relaxed baby.

My sister was determined to breast feed, and it was the worst decision she ever made.
She had a huge, hungry baby, and just was not producing enough milk to feed her child. Her baby had to be brought to hospital a few times, since she was vomiting blood - turns out to be my sister's blood from cracked nipples. Still, my sister persevered, and ended up an exhausted shadow of herself, and had a hungry, fractious baby.

I and none of my siblings was breastfed, and we're all healthy with normal immune systems.
Each mum should just do what suits her circumstances, without taking into account "helpful" sweeping statements like the one above.
Its "icky" for some women to think of BF - leaking boobs in public, demand feeding every 2 hours etc, having to drink loads of water and avoid foods and alcohol etc and i think thats why many do not do it. sure why not when you can get SMA and get yer man to make them up.

In countries like NZ where the majority of mums BF (infact women look at you like you were crazy when you suggest bottle feeding as even an alternative there) there is far more support and knowledge from community midwives than here, the downside is that if you don't BF you can feel very guilty there. To quote one MW in New Zealand out there "its more than my job is worth to give you information on bottle milk - if you need it the doctor will tell you" just a different view.
Sure if we're in the realm of making things up I'm going to claim that breastfeeding is bad too. So there.

OK, let's inject some actual scientific facts into the discussion then:

"Research in developed and developing countries of the world, including middle-class populations in developed countries, provides strong evidence that human milk feeding decreases the incidence and/or severity of a wide range of infectious diseases, including bacterial meningitis, bacteremia,diarrhea,respiratory tract infection,necrotizing enterocolitis, otitis media, urinary tract infection, and late-onset sepsis in preterm infants....Some studies suggest decreased rates of sudden infant death syndrome in the first year of life and reduction in incidence of insulin-dependent (type 1) and non–insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus, lymphoma, leukemia, and Hodgkin disease, overweight and obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and asthma in older children and adults who were breastfed, compared with individuals who were not breastfed. Additional research in this area is warranted...

Important health benefits of breastfeeding and lactation are also described for mothers. The benefits include decreased postpartum bleeding and more rapid uterine involution attributable to increased concentrations of oxytocin, decreased menstrual blood loss and increased child spacing attributable to lactational amenorrhea, earlier return to prepregnancy weight, decreased risk of breast cancer, decreased risk of ovarian cancer, and possibly decreased risk of hip fractures and osteoporosis in the postmenopausal period."

[broken link removed]]
How on earth could a baby being breastfed be underfed? I could understand them being overfed as babies are greedy little beggars...but underfed? Unless a baby is feeling off they only have three moods - hungry, sleepy and wet
You left out smelly.

Some nurses place too much concern on how the baby matches the weight charts. Breastfed babies are frequently underweight according to the charts. That's because there are two charts - one for breastfed and one for bottle fed, and the breast fed weight line is lower. The issue is that they are actually separate charts, and it is frequently the bottle fed chart that is used as the guide. They also insist that the baby should gain at least a certain amount of weight. I have a cousin where both she and her husband are in the bottom 15% of population in terms of height. Their mothers would both fall into the bottom 5% of population in terms of height. This would suggest that they will have small children. Their district nurse was insisting that their baby was not putting on enough weight. She was looking at the bottle fed chart, and not factoring in the size of the parents.

There is a concern that bottle fed babies are overfed, in that they get a whole bottle with each feed, rather than feeding on demand and self-regulating the amount they eat.

I think that comes under the 'out of mothers and babies control' statement.

I am beginning to think I should never had said what I said, and kept my opinion to myself on this one! So I will leave it at this then...

In my humble opinion, even though medical tests have shown that breastfeeding has the possibility to be a better health solution for any given child, circumstances out of the mothers and babies control, such as cracked nipples, pain, tiredness, laziness, vanity, medical grounds, personal opinion etc etc.....some mothers feel it is better to feed their children from formula milk that some feel is not as beneficial for a babies health.

No more baby talk from me!

Until perhaps you've had your own baby next year. Then you might actually have an idea what you're talking about.

As for the SMA ad - it ticks me off for different reasons than any of those mentioned. The part where the father goes 'I promise to wake at 2am to do the feed' or somesuch. Why shouldn't he?? Does he expect a medal for doing this? Leads me to believe the ad was NOT created by women.
...The part where the father goes 'I promise to wake at 2am to do the feed' or somesuch. Why shouldn't he?? Does he expect a medal for doing this? Leads me to believe the ad was NOT created by women.

I thought that was quite humourous to be honest, but then again I am a man and probably would like a medal for getting up at 2am "to do the feed"; thank God for breastfeeding

Too right!

I 've thought of another advantage to breast feeding if it suits...your babies poo smells better! Seriously! Might not seem important now but wait until you are in the midst of nappy changing...

I can't believe Carpenter and Purple- what you never winded a baby or changed their nappy at night when they were newborn to give your wives a break? Black marks for both of you!
I can't believe Carpenter and Purple- what you never winded a baby or changed their nappy at night when they were newborn to give your wives a break? Black marks for both of you!
It's not like you to misread posts, I did all the night feeds on number one (and I mean all, Mrs Purple never did even one of them) and about two thirds of them on the other two. That's why I think that the blatant sexism of these ads is offensive to men and patronises women.
I can't believe Carpenter and Purple- what you never winded a baby or changed their nappy at night when they were newborn to give your wives a break? Black marks for both of you!

I'd better clarify : I never did any night feeds because baby was breast feed; breast fed babies generally don't suffer from wind in my experience but I do at least 50% of the nappy changes, preparing baby meals, bathtime etc etc. I am thoroughly modern dad
I wasn't expecting this on AAM! Breast vs bottle debate!

Just to point out that (in my experience) breast feeding HURTS!!!! Really really badly! I was bleeding and babs wasn't getting enough milk, She slept for 12 hours straight through at 2 days old and I had to force a nurse to give me a bottle (her blood sugar had plummeted from lack of food). She had no interest in the boob but took to the bottle but was I ever given hell over it!

Anyway, the SMA ad makes me sick. It's insulting to dads and promotes the old fashioned idea that dads don't help out with babies and if they do they should be patted on the back.
A pet peeve of mine is when I go out without the other half and people ask if Mr. Ailbhe is babysitting. Eh, no. He's at home with his kids like he is every evening. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean he's doing some sort of massive favour!
This ad exists for one reason only as far as I'm concerned.

Companies cannot advertise formula milk. So they get around it by advertising follow on milk and imply you used formula previously.
I've experience of both here. Tried with no 1 but gave up after 3wks couldn't keep him happy unless I sat feeding him all day ......big hungry lad.
No 2 never had a bottle in her life....wouldn't entertain it but was the happiest baby you ever could see & such a petite little thing.
No 3 I had to stop after 7 wks as I developed a breat abscess. This was the most painful experience of my life, so a warning.....if you/your wife develop cracked nipples please get them looked after promptly.

One other benefit not mentioned is that fully breast-feeding uses up to 2000 calories a day.....great cos you can eat like a horse & get your figure back at the same time !