That new SMA understanding parents TV ad - what a crock

Betsy Og

Registered User
Its all very nicey and everything about he'll be the best daddy in the whole world but some of the stuff in it is pure cringe, schlock like:

"I'll tell you regularly how brilliant you are and how proud I am of you yadda yadda....."

Now its a fine sentiment but could you ever picture a real man (and by that I dont mean a macho/strong but silent/other overly masculine type) saying any of that stuff. Obviously written by women for women and, speaking frankly, its a pure guilt trip on your average man (like myself).

Put it this way, if it was written by men for men and a woman was reading the part it would be something along the lines of:

"I'd rush back from the gym where I've been keeping myself fit for you, perform fellatio before fixing your tea and then we'll go at it all night cos your the best in the whole world ...."

Again "noble" sentiments but what would you think if you hubby was smiling over at you as that trundled out on the telly.


A guilt-tripped average daddy.
its a pure guilt trip on your average man (like myself).


A guilt-tripped average daddy.

Not entirely sure that your average man would adopt the nick "Betsy".......

But you're right, terrible ad
Agree,would love to see the meeting in the ad agency when they were brain storming this one

Its also the kind of ad which the more you hear ,the more you want to throw something at the TV

Actually most of the ads voiced over like this are vomit inducing
Advertisment implicated in emotional blackmail/guilt trip manipulation shocker!

Advertisment implicated in emotional blackmail/guilt trip manipulation shocker!


Not so much that its a shocker tactic - just that its such a cringe - and the subtle difference is that it could be counter productive for once. Most of the charity adds have that guilt trip angle but you wouldnt typically say "I was going to give them money but now I wont".

Whereas with SMA I'd be saying - what a shower of fools - I'll take Farleys instead.

p.s. wouldnt you think in such a perfect family the mother would be breastfeeding .... better for baby y'know ......enlightened Scandanavians all do it .... hope you're not some low life harming your child ..... you'll burn in hell for this ............ (I'm counter blackmailing them )
i am glad I am not alone in thinkin that its a silly smug irritating add
p.s. wouldnt you think in such a perfect family the mother would be breastfeeding .... better for baby y'know ......
the same thing occurred to me and I'm actually not anti formula's until i have watched this a few times.
Agree: Ad is cringe worthy.

Also can understand the use of word 'Nazi' in connection with La Leche who are really extremist and, in my opinion, the cause of many a mother turning in despair from breast feeding to formula ( spoken as someone who did breast feed two babies, followed La Leche guidance on number 1 but was much the wiser and happier not following La Leche on number 2).
Whoever wrote it must have been smoking something

Picture it, group of high powered, power-suit wearing marketing females, sitting around a table discussing the ad with 'mothering consultants' because they are too busy with creating such muck to have any understanding of what it would be like to be a home-mother.

And then at the end all it comes down to is 'buy this crap milk for your's synthetic, unnatural and will pile on the pounds, but heh at least your boobs won't sag and you'll save some nipple pain!

I'll probably be jumped on for the above, but heh, just 'letting off steam'
The majority of ads are aimed at women...even some that are supposedly aimed at men. No man really wants to see another naked man jumping across his tv screen in the name of some nice smelly!!

My favourite ad right now is for Vagisil - hilarious
I would go as far to say that any mother that doesn't breastfeed, barring medical grounds, is not putting her childs needs first. Time contraints, convenience etc do not cut it I'm afraid.

These products are just making our babies fatter, giving them too many unnatural 'goodies', and will in the long run only serve to weaken their immune systems...although I have no scientific fact to back that up, but any food product that gives the body something that t has the ability to produce itself is not helping
I would go as far to say that any mother that doesn't breastfeed, barring medical grounds, is not putting her childs needs first. Time contraints, convenience etc do not cut it I'm afraid.

They should be flogged....or stoned in public perhaps
A lot of men these days are getting in touch with their feminine side. Just look at all the pink shirts. Real men do not wear pink shirts. As for breast feeding, why do breast fed babies have to have an injection of vitamin K?
A lot of men these days are getting in touch with their feminine side. Just look at all the pink shirts. Real men do not wear pink shirts. As for breast feeding, why do breast fed babies have to have an injection of vitamin K?

Men don't have a femine side, they are men. No more than women have a male side.

As for the Vitamin K, I have no idea. Are you suggesting that a child does not get everything it requires nutritionally from breast milk and that 'artifical' injections are required?
Sure if we're in the realm of making things up I'm going to claim that breastfeeding is bad too. So there.