Temporary clerical jobs in public service.

Up Rovers

Registered User
A young relative has applied for above and been told that they have been added to panel. Just wondering if anyone can give any advice or information about these type of positions. Do the jobs normally take long to come around (probably a how long is a piece of string question :) )

Do many people get permanent jobs out of the temporary positions or does this not happen at all? Are all the contracts different in length of service?

Any advice appreciated.
It will depend on the area. As I understand it Dublin City has plenty of clerical officers vacancies due to the low Starting pay.

In my area HSE west hospital, most clerical officers get a permanent post as a result of acquiring rights under legislation.
once you've been in post for a year, you have the protection of the Unfair dismissals act.
In the civil service, temporary COs are usually taken on for summer cover. It's a temporary contract with no route to a permanent position.
In the civil service, temporary COs are usually taken on for summer cover. It's a temporary contract with no route to a permanent position.
Many TCO's are made permanent in departments I know, it is a great way to get in and learn the work and culture of the CS / public sector. A TCO cannot be made permanent in that actual post until they have 4 years service and most Departments won't keep them past that (I know AGS and DFA sometimes do). So most TCO's gain their experience and then come through regular PAS competitions where their parent Department often keep them. Would highly recommend as a position, re the length of contract, an initial contract is given for 3 / 6 months etc but these are renewed if there is demand and the TCO is good. Also - good time of year to be coming off a panel, to cover shorter working year etc
once you've been in post for a year, you have the protection of the Unfair dismissals act.
Yes but I'm referring to

A contract of indefinite duration (CID) is similar to a permanent contract but is not defined in statute. It arises by operation of law under the Protection of Employees (Fixed Term Work) Act, 2003.

Plenty of information online. Google 'contract of indefinite duration Ireland'.
There are regular competitions for Clerical Officer and experience as a TCO would be an advantage if presenting for interview.

But there is no direct route from TCO to permanent CO