TEEU backs civil unrest campaign.

From what I understand a union member has to be on strike for three consecutive days to get strike pay.
Different unions have different rules

If the members vote for strike they are showing commitment to it.
Maybe they should ask for strike pay too, their union organizers won't be giving up any pay

Or it might end up like the ASTI strike, members causing tailbacks on the M1, not exactly fighting the good fight with their comrades :)
We could for example refuse to move over when the minister's merc appears in the rear view mirror.
From what I understand a union member has to be on strike for three consecutive days to get strike pay.
Different unions have different rules

If the members vote for strike they are showing commitment to it.
Maybe they should ask for strike pay too, their union organizers won't be giving up any pay

Or it might end up like the ASTI strike, members causing tailbacks on the M1, not exactly fighting the good fight with their comrades :)

I really don't understand your point.

This thread refers to civil disobedience not strikes.
Unions have failed to acknowledge the part they played during the celtic tiger era.

The difference now is that they have to deal with the IMF.
Latrade is right, it is too late for any kind of civil disobedience now that a general election looms. Callybags and one or two others dont want a Buy-Nothing-Day (no doubt thinking of their own situations? Déise Blue defended me along the way (Sorry for not being able to access the internet after I leave for work; strange how many people have time during working hours to post!).

But, the public have had enough of corrupt politicians, crooked businessmen, overpaid bankers etc and want to see these people in prison. Our houses are being repossessed, we are losing our jobs, we live in a leaderless country and of course nobody is to blame and the taxpayer must foot the bill for the lot. We are a banana republic without even the bananas.

The X-Factor wont last forever; Association Football is losing its appeal with overpaid under-performing prima donnas; even Coronation Street is running out of ideas. Decent people are thinking now.

Joe Public has been patient for a long time now. It is about time the unions got involved (eventhough they too are losing face and members). I still run with the idea of a One-Day-Don't-Buy-Anything Campaign to give the public something to use in protest. You can't get clobbered for buying nothing.

Remember, this wont cost anything to anybody e.g. if you decide to buy petrol before or after the Buy-Nothing-Day you still have protested. You have to buy the petrol anyway. But, even some on here seem to be fearful for some reason.
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Topic Reminder:

TEETU chief backs civil unrest.

An article in today's London Times also refers to the call for civil unrest.

I watched CNN, CNBC and Sky News last night. They all showed the low-life’s with their IRA/Sinn Fein forcing their way into Government Buildings last night. It’s great to see a far left party with strong links to criminality and terrorism getting thrown into the mix in the international discourse about us. We are scaled new lows.

It that the sort of civil unreast people want to see?
Topic Reminder:

TEETU chief backs civil unrest.

An article in today's London Times also refers to the call for civil unrest.


Let's be a bit careful how we egg this one. TEETU (as a whole) calls for Civil Disobedience if government doesn't step down. It's all semantics, but disobedience isn't the same as unrest.

The media are the ones using the terms interchangeably, they're wrong to do so.
I watched CNN, CNBC and Sky News last night. They all showed the low-life’s with their IRA/Sinn Fein forcing their way into Government Buildings last night. It’s great to see a far left party with strong links to criminality and terrorism getting thrown into the mix in the international discourse about us. We are scaled new lows.

It that the sort of civil unreast people want to see?

How do you think we became a "republic" in the first place?
Eamon Devoy, said the country was "on the brink of significant civil unrest, the like of which has not been witnessed in this jurisdiction for decades”.
Eamon Devoy, said the country was "on the brink of significant civil unrest, the like of which has not been witnessed in this jurisdiction for decades”.

"On the brink of" which is not the same as:

TEETU chief backs civil unrest.

Since when is predicting/stating a real possibility the same as backing or encouraging? Several years ago I would have said US/UK were on the brink of invading Iraq prior to the actual invasion. Doesn't mean I "backed" the invasion, just stated what seemed to me like a logical statement.

Don't get me wrong I really, really, really do not like or have time for ED, but this is the press running away with themselves and using terms interchangeably.
I believe we are on the brink of significant civil unrest in this country, the like of which has not been witnessed in this jurisdiction for decades”, Eamon Devoy, General Secretary of the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union, told delegates to its biennial conference in Galway yesterday.

I believe...What would lead someone to believe in something..
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I believe we are on the brink of significant civil unrest in this country, the like of which has not been witnessed in this jurisdiction for decades”, Eamon Devoy, General Secretary of the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union, told delegates to its biennial conference in Galway yesterday.

I believe...What would lead someone to believe in something..

Dunno, maybe things like Government Buildings being stormed or pockets of unrest at student protests could lead an individual to believe this is the early stages of unrest without actually asking people to grab torches and pitchforks.