The subject of the course is not the issue - the mindset of these public representatives, who were unfortunately voted in by us the people, has not changed a whit in the current times. Why - because they have not been affected at all by the current recession/depression. All they think about are entitlements, usually monetary or enjoyment (after all, doing a Facebook course in a luxury hotel is like a holiday!) - and never delivering public service.
For example, on the Courtown road in Wexford, there has been severe subsidence on a bridge over the river which occurs on an annual basis. Each year the Council comes along and drops a load of some kind of tar/stone substance on this patch. This year, they are obviously so busy going to their various junkets that they have decided rather than fix the problem, sure just stick up a warning light and close off half the road at the bridge. Aaarrgghhhh :mad:
Unfortunately, our parish pump politics has put these people into the positions they now hold. So, come the next election, demand a dictator!