My sense is that it will be extended. The government have painted themselves into a corner. There is a wave of pre-ban evictions waiting to happen and more eviction notices issued during the ban period. To the extent these tenants are HAP tenants, they will not find somewhere else to rent (Threshold etc. now talking about the 'collapse' of the HAP system). Other landlords who were on the fence or not thinking about evicting will now be decide to evict. In order to prevent this they will extend the ban.While "hoping " that the government sees that some policies need to change to keep private LL. I think they should clarify quickly what is their stance on the eviction ban and its extension. Over the past decade, only a couple of rented apartments were sold in the tiny block near me with about 20 apartments. 3 were sold last year and I know of 3 that are planned for sale this year (it's January!)
Doing that is only digging a bigger hole for themselves and kicking the can down the road, but I think that they will take these easier option rather than have to deal with a huge wave of homeless tenants. They may hope that the right to housing will be added to the Constitution and that will allow them to make the ban permanent.
My view on it and I hope that I am wrong
Keep in mind also that the 'temporary' RPZs originally for Cork and Dublin are now permanent and cover 75% of the country