TADO and Climote


Registered User
Hi All,

I am looking at upgrading to TADO from a 10 year old Climote. My home heating is 3 zone (downstairs, upstairs and water). Tado have informed me that i actually need two starter kits (1 regular and 1 regular with hotwater) giving the zone setup. It seems a bit odd to me as I would then have two thermostats potentially (upstairs and downstairs)?

Has anyone installed this Tado system in a 3 zone system? I like the idea of being able to control the temperature room by room but ideally would like it all in one place like Climote.

Last time I looked Tado didn't support 3 zone systems like the Climote does, hence the need for two controllers to get 3 outputs. If you do go with the two Tado controller option, you wouldn't need two thermostats on each floor. You'd effectively have one Tado controller managing downstairs with a stat in an appropriate place, and then another controller managing upstairs, again with a single stat. You'd place the regular and hot-water controller wherever makes more sense.

Is there a reason you're set on Tado? Drayton and other systems offer 3+ zones.
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Thanks for the response. No reason as I am set on TADO i just like the system setup. I might look at Drayton also and see if they do the smart TRV valves also (to control the individual room temps). Need to research!
They do the smart TRVs too. If you know a plumber or there's a decent plumbers merchants near you a chat there might be worthwhile, they'll likely know what systems are most reliable.