Your break fee should be zero at the moment – but it is volatile because wholesale interest rates are volatile, so confirm it with BOI (and please post it here when you receive it).I got a breakage fee in Dec 2021 of e2,464 which seems v high considering some of the details in the thread.
Current lender. BOI
Outstanding mortgage balance (how much you still owe). e312K
Approximate value of your property. e600K
The date you started your fixed-rate mortgage (month and year). self build, so first drawdown Jan 2019,final drawdown June 2020
How many years you fixed for. 5 years from initial drawdown
Your current mortgage interest rate 3.00%
Your current monthly repayment (excluding any overpayments). e1408
Your property's BER (Building Energy Rating) – estimated if necessary A2
Are you due to get extra cashback from your current lender in the future, e.g., "1% after 5 years", or "2% cashback monthly"? If so, how much and when 1% (e3.2k) 5 years after final drawdown
- Switching immediately to Haven's 4-year fixed green rate (2.0% with €2,000 cashback) will save you about €9,400 over the next four years
- Switching immediately to Avant's 7-year fixed rate (1.95% with no cashback) will save you about €7,950 over the next four years – but with the longer security of 7 years on a fixed rate
If you're feeling brave, you could consider the strategy outlined in this thread: switch to Haven's 2.35% 3-year fixed rate and get the €5k cashback. Then quickly switch to Haven's 2.0% green rate. If it works, you will be better off by about €12,400 in four years' time. Nobody knows for sure if Haven will allow you to do this, so you might be stuck on the 2.35% rate, but at least you'd have got the €5k cashback.
If you're prepared to settle for smaller savings in exchange for a longer fixed rate, consider Avant's 2.1% rate, fixed for 10 years.