Swiftway BRT (Bus Rapid Transport) from Airport/Swords to Dublin City


Registered User

I recently received a document throught the post on this, inviting people to submit their views through the public consultation process now taking place.

Further informationc an be found HERE .

What are peoples views on this proposal ?

Have those of you with a view submitted your view for formal consideration, as the process invites you to do and if not, may I ask why not ?

I will post my own views in this thread shortly, but wanted to give the opening post a short, clear and unbiased start.
Here are my thoughts:

* Yes, we definitely do need a much better public transport service, particularly from Dublin Airport into the City.

* We need a service that is fast, reliable, safe, well managed, economically viable etc.

* We need a service that quickly and easily links up with other public transport services (such as the Luas, Dart, Bus & Train systems for example).

* Everything from convenience, good planning & the option to use common tickets (be they pre-paid or bought on the day) to move from one method of transport to another should be addressed properly now, not left for the future for someone else to sort out.

* We need a service that is built to last for the long term, can be upgraded or expanded if ever necessary.

* We should not take short cuts now, which will result in significant additional costs in the future.


Much as I am delighted to see the Government have not forgotten about the need to improve the public transport serice to and from Dublin Airport, I am extremely disappointed that they are even considering the current proposal - namely the Swiftway BRT system.

I cannot believe we are proposing to introduce a system that will rely on the same (extremely limited resource) of our road network, to get people to and from Dublin City to Dublin Airport. All anyone has to do is open their eyes and they will see that much of the proposed route is already congested during prime time, without now adding a further service to the same road network. I know there is an arguement to say that this service should replace cars, but it won't .. not to the extent necessary to justify the loss of (part or full use) of this valuable road space.

Granted, this option is radically cheaper than opting for the construction of the likes of a Luas line to Dublin Airport / Swords. The literature put through my letterbox suggests the cost of construction may be between 25% - 33% the cost of constructing a light rail system, however:

1. The cost of permitting this new service use the limited road space, be it in terms of additional wear on the roads, the cost of delays to those other users of the road system (be they buses, cars, motor bikes etc) does not appear to be factored into the consideration here. How can it be priced and what has it been priced at, if it has ?

2. The lower cost reflects the fact that it is a cheaper and by extension, lower quality service. Dedicated, stand alone, tram or rail lines build elsewhere other than on road network would obviously cost a lot more, but would ensure an entirely independent service not reliant on delays or obstacles on the road network, while also offering the opportunity to take commuters off the road network completely - not simply move them from one method of road transport, to another.

3. The construction of a rail or tram line (not on the road network) offers the chance to genuinely connect the line to other services in the greater Dublin area - be it the DART line or Luas line for example, or possibly even the main railway network. Dare I suggest there would be an advantage here, in terms of being able to use our existing rolling stock on the new lines if additional services were required, or schedule journeys from the likes of Tallagh (Luas), Sandyford (Lusa), Bray or Howth (DART) directly to the Airport and save both time and possibly cost for the commuters - not to mention making these journeys less complicated for visitors to our country.

4. Cost cannot be ignored and obviously, Ireland does not have an endless supply of funds. However, this is a perfect opportunity to introduce the concept of a new Public Private Partnership. We have successfully used this method of financing other infrastructural projects in Ireland previously and assuming the deal is correctly brokered and drawn up, it should ensure everyone benefits - be it our society, the private enterprise(s) helping fund the project etc.

Ultimately, we now have a chance to actually do the right thing and purchase the right system to serve us both now and in the future, rather than go for the cheap alternative and regret it for years to come.

Here's hoping for once in our lives we do the right thing and put a stop to this crazy idea of the Swiftway BRT system before this goes any further.

Needless to say, I will be making a submission on the matter and would urge everyone else to do the same - regardless of whether they agree with me, or have an opposing view.

Oh, for the record, I have absolutely no connection with either Swiftway BRT or any rival or competing service. I have no political motives and am simply a taxpayer living and working in Dublin, anxious to see our Government make the right decision here for the benifit of us all.