SUSI 2025 - Is increasing pension contribs now too late?


New Member
Hey folks,
My eldest is starting college in Sept 2025. Will be applying for SUSI.

My question is - is it too late to increase pension contributions in order to qualify for SUSI grants? Will they go off 2024's figures?

I didn't before as I just don't make enough net p/a to cover everything.

Household income:
One income - gross approx 35,000 p/a.
Maintenance - 260 every 2 weeks. (This is to cover 2 kids.)
Will they go off 2024's figures?
How is Income calculated for Grant Assessment purposes?

The income calculation is based on gross income from all sources for the previous calendar year, also known as the reference period.

For example, for academic year 2024/25, applications are assessed on gross income from all sources for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
My question is: Will they go off 2024's figures?


The income calculation is based on gross income from all sources for the previous calendar year.

So, for academic year 2025/26, applications will be assessed on the gross income from all sources for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.