SUSI 2025 - Is increasing pension contribs now too late?


New Member
Hey folks,
My eldest is starting college in Sept 2025. Will be applying for SUSI.

My question is - is it too late to increase pension contributions in order to qualify for SUSI grants? Will they go off 2024's figures?

I didn't before as I just don't make enough net p/a to cover everything.

Household income:
One income - gross approx 35,000 p/a.
Maintenance - 260 every 2 weeks. (This is to cover 2 kids.)
Will they go off 2024's figures?
My question is: Will they go off 2024's figures?


The income calculation is based on gross income from all sources for the previous calendar year.

So, for academic year 2025/26, applications will be assessed on the gross income from all sources for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.