Survey: AAM'ers jobs hit by recession?

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It was a 'legit comment'. Ignoring which sector you work in, how does your employer feel about the second job, as you say yourself '[it] ain't pretty on a Friday morning'? Can I ask what type of work you do? I'm assuming the second job is dj'ing...

No you can not ask what type of job i do. I am tired on a Friday morning ( when i work ) but what about the person who goes on the beer on a thursday night ?? Should employers ban drinking sunday to friday ???

My employer doesn't mind about my second job as it doesn't interfere with what i do 9 to 5 ( not 10 to 4 and 2hr lunch break )

for other posters i am putting this in caps


Ceist read the above.

Fair enough - then half of what you posted above is misleading.
second pointless post, say what you mean. My crystal ball is on the blink !

okay: your original posts could very easily have been read to mean you work 2 jobs every day of the working week, only getting 3 hours of sleep. The subsequent posts about taking sundays off, and not having had a week off since february, and next week off being in january added to this impression. We now know that you only work the odd thursday night.

Was I the only one who picked up the original comments incorrectly?

wow with a brain like that you should be in the public service

With both jobs and commuting i clock up about 80 hrs a week and looking forward to Jan ( off for 3 weeks ). I don't work sunday ( as a rule ) and haven't had a week off since Feb ( my honeymoon ). Oh and i said "a" friday morning and not just friday. Therefore not every. But that was all you had to say 3 posts ago
getting in at 4am and up for work 3 hrs later ain't pretty on a Friday morning.

It's quite clear from this post that the op has worked on a Thursday night. It cannot be inferred that the op works every night of the week. It also cannot be inferred that this is a regular Thursday occurance.
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Was I the only one who picked up the original comments incorrectly?

I picked it up as being he works Thursday nights til 4am, and admired his stamina because I work seven days-admittedly not full eight hours a day- but I manage to get at least six/seven hours sleep a night.

DavyJones: Don't be feeling bad, you're giving people work, I hope it continues that way.

Even when working a thursday night i try to get some kip on the thursday evening before i go out. This all depends on what time i get home at and what time i have to leave at.

But Friday night is normally worse as its normally a 21 hr day if i have been working the night before. But it does make you respect your time off and make the most of it ( posting here )
Thread closed. Gone off topic and too time consuming for moderators to monitor the argy bargy.
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