Suggestions on a car for about €35,000


Registered User
Ok I've been driving a new 2007 M3 for the last while but unfortunately my wife seems to have fallen in love with the M3 and as I'm in love with her shes now driving the M3, it's a sad story really!

Anyway as I'm now going to be driving the 'second car' in the family we've got about €35,000 to spend on a car. I'll probably end up bringing the car in from the North.

I'm basically looking for suggestions of what I should look at. I'm currently considering a 2007-2008 BMW 330i or 325D Coupe at the moment but I wondering what else would people suggest around that same market.

Of course I'd be looking for low VRT 16-25%....
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

The 325D will be about 8k cheaper (all in) from the UK. It will also have much lower road tax, insurance and fuel costs. At is has lots of torque so if you keep it below 150KmPH you won't see too much difference in power compared to the 330i.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

The 325D will be about 8k cheaper (all in) from the UK. It will also have much lower road tax, insurance and fuel costs. At is has lots of torque so if you keep it below 150KmPH you won't see too much difference in power compared to the 330i.

Thanks for the reply. I've driven both of the cars and you're definitely right, the 325D feels just as powerful as the 330i, I suppose realistically I'd be going for the for the diesel engine.

I've driven the Audi A5 and it just doesn't feel the same, the steering feels unresponsive compared to the 325D.

Is there anything else I should be looking at??
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

Grow a set and take back the M3.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

An M5 to compliment the M3

Maybe end up be a few years back for 35k but what a car.

WHat about a 330 D the new type estate or tourer doesn't look too bad and would give great options between the 2 cars.

Load lugger and all out insanity.

I wish I had your problems.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

To be honest I think the M3 is about as exclusive as toothpaste.

Why are there so few cars that are truly exiting on Irish roads?
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

Just booked a car with autoq up in northern ireland over the weekend. Paid deposit with credit card of £100 and will use to pay the balance.

Theyve included an RAC check on the vehicle too which i can check up on
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

Mooney, i am missing your point. Can you explain?
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000

Here is a review of the M3

Apparently it's the best car they have ever driven.....yawn

[broken link removed]

And here is the M5

[broken link removed]

I wouldn't go for either of them.

Not my cup of tea as they say.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000

Don't worry Frank, there's always the Toyotas
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000

I take it you mean, exciting, if we had some exciting roads to drive on then mabye peole would go for more exciting cars. A new tyre for an exciting car costs an arm and a leg and with all the potholes it would cost a fortune replacing tyres.

NB get an 08 registered or you will lose out on the road tax, it will be based on engine size as opposed to emissions.

Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000

I am not sure how much new A5 costs but it is very lovely car. You can buy 2.7 TDI Audi A5.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

To be honest I think the M3 is about as exclusive as toothpaste.

Why are there so few cars that are truly exiting on Irish roads?

That has to be a joke!

So tell me what you think would be truly exciting on Irish roads? Maybe a Santa Fe? A Merc CLK 200, truly exclusive!!

Anyway I've now decided I can't hack the wife driving a better car than mine... I'm just after buying a 2007 DB9.

Frank, I didn't see any toothpaste around it but you might have a look for me?
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000


Aston Martin would be much further up the food chain.

I think that you lot misunderstand me somewhat.

The whole sell on BMW is based around "Exclusivity"

Have a look for used BMW cars on Carzone and you will see just how exclusive they are.

There are literally thousands of them.

They are ten a penny.

The M3 is a great motor, there is no denying that.

If it was my money, I'd spend it elsewhere.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000

TBH 'exclusivity' would be last on my list for buying criteria. If it was a great car (for whatever reason) and I could afford it, I would get it.

I wouldn't really care if it was the only one in the country or one of 100s or even 1000s. But maybe a lot of people don't feel that way.
Re: Suggestions on a car for about €35,000....

Congratulations; it’s always good to see people doing well. Happy driving.

Well now I wouldn't say it's me doing particularly well, it's the banks money!!