Sudanese War


Registered User
The current war in Sudan, which started in April last year, has killed between 40,000 and 150,000 people and displaced 10 million internally displaced and 2 million externally displaced. 6-10 million face starvation between now and 2027.
The spill over and disruption will be staggering:
  • Somalia and the countries bordering it have a combined population of 280 million.
  • It has a 800km border with the Red Sea and the conflict is already disrupting the flow of cargo through the Suez Canal (which transports one seventh of the worlds trade)
  • Over half the refugees in Calais are already Somalian and the flow of refugees into Europe from the region will grow massively.
  • If we think that such a flow of refugees causes social and economic problems here just think of what it does on a much larger scale in much poorer and less stable neighbouring countries. The genocide in tiny little Rwanda led to the biggest war since the Second World War and the deaths of over 5 million people.
  • The UAE are funding and supplying one side and Egypt and Iran are supplying the other with Russia playing both sides in its ongoing campaign to undermine the West. Where are the calls for boycotts of those countries?

I don't see too many Somalian flags flying here or news reports about the daily dead toll. We should be way more concerned about this conflict than what's happening in Gaza as it will have a far greater impact on us and cause the death and suffering of far more people.

How come we don't care?
Article in yesterdays Sunday times on it as well so it is getting some coverage.

How come we don't care (and I'm not saying I agree with all of this BTW)
  • We don't have "boots on the ground" like we have in the Lebanon and Israel/Gaza could and is spilling over there.
  • Probably a bit of latent racism, yet another African civil war being fought by despots and tinpot army dictators
  • Its not in Europe (like Ukraine)
  • It's further away
  • It's a 3rd world country
  • There is no clear way to fix it
The current war in Sudan, which started in April last year, has killed between 40,000 and 150,000 people and displaced 10 million internally displaced and 2 million externally displaced. 6-10 million face starvation between now and 2027.
Firstly credit to Purple for bringing this up. It is almost invisible here.

You don't explain how civil war in Sudan is driving refugees from Somalia.
The UAE are funding and supplying one side and Egypt and Iran are supplying the other with Russia playing both sides in its ongoing campaign to undermine the West. Where are the calls for boycotts of those countries?

I don't see too many Somalian flags flying here or news reports about the daily dead toll. We should be way more concerned about this conflict than what's happening in Gaza as it will have a far greater impact on us and cause the death and suffering of far more people.

How come we don't care?

In fairness to public opinion, we care more when our taxes and the taxes of countries we are closely connected with are being used to fund and arm slaughter.
Firstly credit to Purple for bringing this up. It is almost invisible here.
You don't explain how civil war in Sudan is driving refugees from Somalia.
My typo. It should have said Sudan, not Somalia
In fairness to public opinion, we care more when our taxes and the taxes of countries we are closely connected with are being used to fund and arm slaughter.
Where do you think Sudan gets it's arms?
The UAE, Egypt and Iran ?
And Libya and Chad and the Central African Republic. All places that are awash with weapons from the US, Europe and Russia sent during previous and current conflicts and from anyone else who cares to from the Middle East via the Red Sea. They also have a significant domestic manufacturing capability.