So I read that as saying that my actual deeds are not important? though I appreciate that I need to make sure my completion of the mortgage is registered in the folio.
Then I also read "Note that if the Land Certificate was returned to you, it can also be lodged." however if the folio is guaranteed by the state, surely the cert is redundant?
BTW, I appreciate that MOB's post #13 explained some of this, but I'm trying to understand the details.
Your deeds are important. The Land Registry did not always issue the original Land Certificate. Your solicitor lodged the dealing and the title deeds were registered in the houseowners name and retained by the Land Registry. Sometimes the Land Certificates were issued - usually to the solicitor.
So whether or not they are retained by the Land Registry depends on whether or not they issued originally.
If they issued and are subsequently lost it can be costly and time-consuming for the title deeds to be reconstituted (as outlined in previous posts above).