Stolen laptops - bord gais

Would you adam and eve it!!!!

Just had my post delivered and guess what i'm one of the customers as well.

But the letter i got still said it was 75,000 not 140,000, but it was dated the 19th june, maybe they have just realised it was more!!!
They apologise about 10 times lol

Explained why they didn't release the information because they felt it would hamper the investigation. That there systems are now fully secure.

The risk of the data being misused is low-but any risk is unacceptable!! They have informed all banks of the effected account numbers, but advise you to check your account for any suspicious activity. And something about they have put in place procedures in the very unlikey event that any fraud is suffered by any customer. But they dont say they will help in any way just that the gardai and the banks will be there to help.

Oh and that i'm a valued customer!!

Thats bascially the jist of it.
Funny eh - I just set up a new account with ESB and chose to pay the 300e deposit rather than give them access to my account.
I don't understand what is so difficult for them to protect this data.
Funny eh - I just set up a new account with ESB and chose to pay the 300e deposit rather than give them access to my account.
I don't understand what is so difficult for them to protect this data.

It's not difficult to put a reasonable amount of protection on this data. However it requires a proper company wide policy on encryption and data protection to be in place, that policy to be strictly enforced and appropriate disciplinary action taken against any staff member who knowlingly fail to follow policy

What I actually don't understand is why anyone in a large organsation with automated billing practises would need a list of customers bank accounts on their lap top in the first place?
you could call their dedicated helpline ( their words not mine) and ask them.

For anyone that hasn't recdieved the letter and is worried they might be one of the 75,000 or 140,000 which ever it is the number is 1850 431 431

Could it be the laptops are there as added back up incase the main computer goes down or something?
More important is that the reason I am one of the 75,000 is that I applied for the 10% discount for electricity to come through my gas pipes. Do you think that change has happened? Not on your nelly. ESB are refusing to process the transfer until they make a final reading and guess what, they are in no hurry to make that reading.:mad:

I just received my letter telling me that my details were on that laptop, so they now have my name, address, bank a/c number and sort code. Simply put, they have EVERYTHING they need to access my joint a/c where all my house related bills come out of. Needless to say I am NOT impressed at all. These laptops were stolen in early June and I have just found out about it now??! I mean seriously, wtf kind of brainless simpletons run these kind of companies, as their ability to constantly screw up is literally staggering. Who the hell has information on laptops/memory sticks, and for god's sake, unencrypted?! I have some encryption software that came free with my memory stick for god's sake, it's not hard to get! So now I, to my own complete pain in the a$$, will have to go change the account. And every direct debit in it. The thought of having to change gas, electricity, life insurance, critical illness cover, sky, BT to name a few is stagering.

Bord Gais and anyone else will be getting an earfull for this, and I'll be pushing for a credit to be put on my account for all the time I now need to spend due to the simple minds that run one of our biggest companies.

God. Idiots.
Bord Gais and anyone else will be getting an earfull for this, and I'll be pushing for a credit to be put on my account for all the time I now need to spend due to the simple minds that run one of our biggest companies.
I would be looking for compensation for this loss of data. No ifs or buts. Pay up you incompetent gits.
I just received my letter telling me that my details were on that laptop, so they now have my name, address, bank a/c number and sort code. Simply put, they have EVERYTHING they need to access my joint a/c where all my house related bills come out of

How exactly do you think someone can withdraw money from your account with those details? Those details are on any cheque you sign?
In the same way that it is quite easy to get someone's RSI number and use it as a false employee in your company when they're in college, using the information to funnel funds elsewhere to avoid paying tax. Where there's a will there's a way. I work in financial Services and have seen a lot of interesting ways to do things. I'm just not happy my information is with everyone else's information, which could be used/stolen specifically for this purpose.
But we are not talking about RSI numbers.

How exactly can someone defraud by bank account by using the details on the laptop, and in a way that means the bank is not liable to refund me?
But we are not talking about RSI numbers.

How exactly can someone defraud by bank account by using the details on the laptop, and in a way that means the bank is not liable to refund me?

And if someone did clean your bank account out, how will you be able to prove to the bank that it was Bord Gas' fault???

Even if the bank does accept that you are not to blame, it may take some time for your account to be credited back

I know of people and companies that actaully had to close their entire bank accounts and open new ones dues to identity theft
I would assume that Bord Gais would have some level of clearance with the banks so their direct debit would be set up without much problem. However, I would assume\hope that "Fake Company ltd, Nigeria" would not get clearance from the bank to set up a direct debit even if they have my details.

Please explain how someone is going to take money out of my account with the details on the laptop.

I dont have to prove that it was Bord Gais's fault, I only approved a direct debit from Bord Gais, no one else.
My point is simply that where's there a will, there's a way.

I thought this was letting off steam anyway?
But that is too vague. How about all the invoices that companies send around to each other. I have one hear on my desk with the following details:

Bank Name
Sort Code
Account No
Swift Code
Bank Av Name
Business Address

There is no way I can extract money from their account. These are the same details that are on Bord Gais laptops, what is there to worry about?
What information IS needed to withdraw money, cash a cheque etc from an account?
Surely the point isn't that the information can or can't be used to empty bank accounts but the fact that the company along with many others seem to have no procedures (or they are being ignored) when it comes to the storing of personal data. I was one of the affected and I never got worried about my bank account. I was still angry that they were so careless with my details though. Its 2009 and we have companies like Bord Gais, the main banks, Government departments etc walking around with laptops without encryption.