Key Post Step by step guide to applying for UK State Pension

Threadser great you got the response. Did you provide your Irish work details e.g. proof of contribution statement on return to Ireland. Is this required? Thanks for all the valuable information everyone.
No @John7 I didn't have to send any proof of this. My application was probably straightforward in that I have worked for the same employer (department of education) since I returned to Ireland in 1992! The dates I inputted in the form were approximate as it is such a long time ago. I explained this in the box at the end of the form which allows you to put in additional information if required to support your application.
My circumstances are that I worked for 2 years in the UK from June 90 to July 92. Luckily these 2 years spanned 3 tax years and with the 3 juvenile years, my record says that I have 6 credited years.

Is the fact that they were spread over 3 tax years significant I wonder, mine were over 4 but shorter periods. I think Irish PRSI sometimes give some credits for incomplete periods?

Did the Juvenile credits count towards class 2 eligibility I wonder or just eligibility years if you follow? They seem to say "paid" contributions a lot although one site says "treated as paid" although that seems to be self employment :rolleyes:
Is the fact that they were spread over 3 tax years significant
Yes I would think so. I obviously earned enough in my two incomplete years for them to be counted as full. in my last year, I only worked for 4 months (April to July) but it is listed as a full year. I am not sure if the juvenile credits counted for class 2 eligibility, as I would have qualified for that anyway on the basis of my three paid (if incomplete) years. My record shows 6 years despite only working in the UK for two years and one month! I would say to everyone to just apply regardless, and let them come back to you with their decision. You can always appeal if you are unhappy.
Hi, my situation is I worked in UK from Sept ‘92 to Feb ‘94. I always thought I was ineligible, however possibly not. On q5 of section 1 of form CF83, I can answer yes to ‘Have you lived in the UK for 3 years in a row at any time before living or working abroad?’ However q6 asks ‘Have you paid 3 full years of NICs before living or working abroad?’ I assume I have to answer no here? Will this immediately reject my application? On return to Ireland I have worked with the same company, and have a full PRSI records - does the EU record help here?
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Apply anyway, and quickly. If they reject, they reject. But if they don't then you'll know for sure and won't die wondering.

If, say, they accept the application but only at class 3 rates, then you'll need to work out the risk / reward as applicable to your own particular circumstances.
Have just completed a draft CF83 online. A few queries before I hit send. Thanks in advance for any help.

When they ask for your employment details "for the period abroad you are applying for", they mean from April 2006 on, correct? And there is no need to list jobs pre-2006.

I was, of course, asked about my last job in the UK but I was surprised not to be quizzed on my activity immediately after leaving the UK (in 1991). Am I missing something or have the conditions for Class 2 have been tweaked and the requirement to have started work on arrival abroad (eg Ireland) is no longer there?

re "Do you intend to return to the UK to live in the future?": Is there anything wrong with saying No or is I Do Not Know a safer answer?

Under "Further Information" I am saying I will also post them the form and attach a printout of my work record from Spanish social security - there is no way of attaching a pdf file, right? Thinking it's better to do this than wait on a letter asking me for proof.

I have been self-employed since 2012 but 2005-2012 I was doing contract work on and off for one business (more off than on, tbh). Should I list this as the four separate "jobs" they were or just one (2005 to 2012)? The above-mentioned printout gives the dates of each contract.
"for the period abroad you are applying for"
Since you left UK.

activity immediately after leaving the UK
See above.
post them the form and attach a printout of my work record
Don't bother, if they want more info they'll ask.
Do you intend to return to the UK to live in the future?
"Not known at this time" is fine; who can predict the future?
contract work on and off for one business
Just list as one role.
"Am I missing something or have the conditions for Class 2 have been tweaked and the requirement to have started work on arrival abroad (eg Ireland) is no longer there?"

There's posts in the HMRC fora suggesting they are mainly concerned with the situation post 2006. Also people report paying class 2 or 3 depending on what they were doing here.

It's possible people have conflated the working in UK "immediately" before leaving with working in Ireland immediately after arriving. I've seen no official reference to the latter.

But seems for post 2006 years it's class 2 to buy back when working and class 3 when not
Yes I have a friend who has been asked to pay class 2 on all the years since 2006, she has been working since then full time. After she left the uk she never set a foot in Ireland or the EU for years and did casual type work with no insurance record. It has taken me weeks to realise that no you don't need to have started work in Ireland immediately, what counts is what you did post 2006. So many people seem to think that and there does not seem to be much clarification about it online.
I'm really struggling trying to figure out how to get past not having a UK passport and driving licence to complete this application.
I have read the Key Post and have have searched under "Irish Passport" "DannyBoyD Passport" etc but just can't fathom what I should do next.
I have a GateWay account and have logged in on the app
I have my NI number
When I get to the question on the 3 forms of ID and I select that I do not have the 2 forms - UK passport and driving licence - I get the page saying we cannot confirm identity and that I need to call them.
What am I doing wrong please??


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'm really struggling trying to figure out how to get past not having a UK passport and driving licence to complete this application.
Have you verified you ID using the app GOV UK ID check? An EU biometric passport will work. Once you do that you can fill out the CF83 form without needing to verify ID using UK passport. If this is a prob for you, then definitely print and post.
Have you verified you ID using the app GOV UK ID check? An EU biometric passport will work. Once you do that you can fill out the CF83 form without needing to verify ID using UK passport. If this is a prob for you, then definitely print and post.
The problem is there does not seem to be a way on the webpage or the app to verify my ID. I follow the steps and it says an EU biometric passport is one of the acceptable forms of ID, I follow the link and the options in the screenshot above - UK passport and UK driving licence. I even tried selecting these to see if it offers EU options on next page but get this...
Where is the place to submit my Irish passport details?


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Print the form and post by recorded delivery - get to the post office this afternoon.
I guess the form is the only option now. Just went to print it off and of course my printer not working so will have to go to a print shop, no way it will get off today.
Is there not another 2 weeks until the cut off??!!