State Savings phone services down


Registered User
I have been trying to call SS to cash in on some Prize Bonds as I wish to transfer to my N26 account. 3 days ago I did just that online. The following day I received an email asking me to call them on 0800 205060 or (01 705 7200), which I did. A voice message comes up stating that they are experiencing phone service issues and to call another time.

Has anyone been able to call them and get through in the past few days?

My last experience with them *(albeit with the saving's bond section) was terribly slow and resulted in a delay of approx almost 2 months to get my money out. Seeing as they make so much money from their customers I find it amazing how poorly their service can be at times.
They are very slow and quite unreliable. Send them an email, with delivery receipts on and marked high priority saying what you said above, asking them to call you on the number they have for you as a matter of urgency, and noting that you need the money to be in your account no later than close of business on Friday 22nd March. And that you’ll expect them to compensate you if they fail to deliver.
Not sure if threats will make them respond any quicker
In my 25 years experience of dealing with State Savings and its component parts setting out reasonable expectations and consequences helps focus their minds. Your experience may be different.

And in any event, it’s hardly a threat to say that you’ll expect compensation for the consequences of their carelessness and sloppy ways.
Sure.. but the person reading it will not respond quicker because of this, especially as they will kmow that there is zero chance that they will compensate you anyway.

Maybe just write out the facts of what has happened so far and ask politely for a call back or an alternate email address or phone number of somebody that can help further.
Sounds hellish doing the transfers over the phone/email.

So much easier and quicker to do it online via the State Savings portal.