State Funeral for Haughey

A certain high-profile individual was accused a few years ago of stealing money from a well-known charity, of which he had previously been a senior official. As far as I am aware, this gentleman later received a criminal conviction for this offence.

A very high percentage of that charity's funding is (and was) from the Exchequer. I have never heard FO'T allege that this man 'dipped into public funds'. If he had been an FF councillor, senator, TD or Minister, I doubt of the bould Fintan would have remained silent for too long.
I presume that this is how parties are funded from Exchequer funds? If it was such funds that eventually made their way into the party leader's fund and which were misused then it would seem a bit of a long stretch to categorise this as misappropriation of public funds.
ClubMan said:
I presume that If it was such funds that eventually made their way into the party leader's fund and which were misused then it would seem a bit of a long stretch to categorise this as misappropriation of public funds.
Long stretches are his bread and butter.
Party leader funds are generally from party donations, the allowance is then for the leader to do with as he saw fit - in CJ's case that was to uphold his dapper image, which is fair enough.
However, the fact that many government transactions were in all probablity conducted on a less than arms length basis means that the public were'nt assured of getting value for money, thus misappropriation of funds. We'll have to wait for Morarity for confirmation of this. Until then, fair play to CJ, that was/is Irish politics - he used the system to his advantage, the thing that annoys me is how many people refuse to see that whilst they adored him, he had nothing but contempt for 'the mountainey men of FF'.
jem said:
I for one will be proud to sit and watch the Funeral and will be sending a mass card to his family.

Don't forget to slip in few euros while you are at it
While I would never have been a fan of CJH, I would have to admit that as he said, he did the state some service. (My italics) However, I think it should be remembered that without the Tallaght Strategy he would never have been able to make the financial cutbacks which may have sown some of the seeds from which the Celtic Tiger sprang, and therefore cannot be given sole credit for same. Also, he presided over and fostered a contemptuous attitude to the law with regard to tax evasion. Moreover I think that it is naive in the extreme to imagine that men like Dermot Desmond give away millions without expecting something in return. To finish though, I must say that CJH was always colourful, politics seemed more interesting in the days of his spats with Garrett the Good, and apparently, even in death, he still has the power to cause a good old fashioned ding-dong of a debate.
People where saying on Ireland Am this morning if bertie thinks he should have a state funeral let him pay for it himself. Maybe this money could be used for our hospitals or fixing our pot hole roads.

So it is ok to be a criminal for a wealthy person but god forbid if you are caught with your tax out of date by a few weeks you will be punished. The same law should apply for everyone if that is the case john gilligan should be a free man aswell.

Regarding him getting away with it because he was sick all those years ago, this did not happen for the soldiers in charge of running and killing people in the concentration camps. They where sent to prision age or illness did not come into it for them. Like in the film Casino when the gangsters where up in court they brought nurses with oxygen to make out they where on their death beds.
I think there is a big difference between Haughey and the people who ran the concentration camps!
I do think its a bit rich that some people actually believe Ben Dunne and Dermot Desmond gave CJH all that money out of the goodness of their hearts and expected nothing in return. Governments representatives should have little dealings with the private sector.

What are we to expect in future when Berties skeletons fall out of his closet?

"Fianna Fáils leader and Aherns mentor, described Ahern as, 'the best, the most skilful, the most devious and the most cunning of them all."