100% on this. Collecting kids from creche, you are home every evening and it all ticks away nicely. Fast forward to when you have kids going out every evening to sports or other activities, playdates and parties at weekends, sometimes needing to volunteer to get your kids into certain activities. It is a lot of juggling with 2/3 kids, even calling in all the favours and repaying them for lifts, supervision etc. It can be hard to get a nanny to do these things as well, especially if there are younger kids in tow as well. And you also want to be the person in the crowd for your kid, watching their progress at different activities and maybe motivating them to continue when it gets tough.Siblings have gone the approach of four kids in 5/6 years with two high pressure jobs and it seems to have worked well for them.
Just on the above, its the kinds of thing that may work for a period, but longer term its very hard, ironically kids are less work the younger they are if you have appropriate child care, its when they get older, get friends, hobbies etc is when they need more of your time (and you want to give it to them as well as they grow up)
Look no-one would have kids at all if you thought about it but there is no harm in having a realistic view of it. I know I got great advice from an older sibling and also from watching how their life evolved. See if you can find someone who is ten years ahead of you and how your life might look and how your financial planning might fit into that to give you the choices you need. House set up sounds great and will give you loads of flexibility.