Stamp duty God I sick of hearing those words

I don't believe any section of society should be 'forced' into anything. We're a democracy not a dictatorship.

I can't believe the lefty do-gooder slant on this thread. Next thing people will be suggesting that we give pensioners the vote! Houses are for people, not pensioners :mad:
Personally, I don't intend to stay in my home when I get older but this is how I feel now and is based on economics...large house, large bills etc.
That's all I'm trying to have the property tax do, encourage people to move out of excessively sized houses for tax reasons - God knows, they'd jump at any other tax avoidance scheme.
Just because the 80 year old moves out it doesn't follow that the 35 yr. old can afford to move in! If he'd been able to afford it then he would have bought closer to his job in the first place.
True, however applying supply and demand would suggest that the 80 yo's home be more affordable for the 35yo (that and the tax breaks for dependents living at home - even for oldies)
Following your logic, perhaps we should tell single FTB to live in studios and leave the 1 beds for the married...the married to leave the 2 beds for people with children etc. etc. Why should old people be denied the right to pick and choose where they should live and how?.
We wouldn't have to make any rules, the suggestions you make would probably follow as a result of the tax structure, ie. single ftb's would want to minimise tax and so would have a studio etc.
Why look to isolate or punish one section of our community with a tax which potentially could cause hardship?
Just to be equitable let's say 1% across the board for all home owners. That would go down like a lead balloon at election time. Look at the hardship caused to many over the poll tax in the UK.
I don't see anything designed to punish any one section, everyone has the same options, pay the tax or downsize.
I agree it wouldn't be popular, I'd implement it immediately post election, people would have 5 yrs to see the equitableness of the new regime!!

Jeez Glenbhoy you sound just charming - I wonder will your attitude be the same after you retire having paid your taxes for 35 odd years and worked damn hard to pay up your mortgage and invest in your pension - will you feel entitled to enjoy the fruits of all your hard work or will you think "You know I feel guilty having this big house now all the children have moved out, maybe I should just sell it to someone more deserving. And sure why not move to the seaside like all other pensioners so we can keep out of the way of those young people"?
I'll probably be dead by the time i'm eligible, sure wasn't that the thinking behind pensions in the first place - why do you think 65 was chosen as retirement age - maybe because it was also average life expectancy, and that's why pension age is going to be increased. As for moving, that'll depend on whether or not I find the property tax a burden.
I can't believe the lefty do-gooder slant on this thread. Next thing people will be suggesting that we give pensioners the vote! Houses are for people, not pensioners :mad:
Finally, someone who can see some sense!!
What's the best thing about visiting an elderly relative?
You can get a head start on the auction brochure :D

The views expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of whathome or any third party associated with whathome.
lastly stamp duty will not change materially in next months budget so all the people holding off on buying property can rest in peace

I think I was right - so much for all the talk of "the property market is stalling because of anticipated changes in stamp duty" blah blah blah blah..........