Some taxing questions...




I was wondering say I was earning e150 a week from grinds, but I wanted to save it in the bank as i would like to be seen to saving in case i try to buy a house... not likelty but you never know.

Is it okay to put this straight into the bank as it aint taxed or coming from an employer as such, or should i put it into some other saving scheme to try to cover my tracks.

thanks paddy
Re: savin money not from my job

HI Paddyc - You won't get advice here about how to evade tax. Pay your taxes.
Re: savin money not from my job

Hi Paddy,

Speak to an accountant and get him/her to explain your tax liabilities and how best to manage them.

glass houses and stones

now now rainy, lets not cast stones.

and he/she is not asking how to evade tax, merely where to stash his money.

grinds, b&B, nixers, boincers, bar staff, surfin while getting paid to work, etc, are all prevalent and we are not here to police them.

savin money not from my job

Seems to me that the intention to (continue to) evade tax on this money is pretty evident in this case and Rainyday is fully justified in mentioning this regardless of the fact that small scale tax evasion may not be that uncommon elsewhere...
not necessarily

if the money is put into Prem Bonds or the Lotto any wins are Tax Free, if into any deposit account then DIRT is deducted which satisfies the tax obligations.

The original "sin" of not declaring and paying tax initially on the income is a different subject.


well the obvious thing to do would just be to spend the money on groceries or beer and reduce the amount you take out of the banklink machines each week by a corresponding amount. Regular lodgements into a bank account *may* generate suspicion.

But morally, you should pay your tax like everyone else.

hang on a second: who said it was moral to have taxes?
taxes are wrung out of your income by the threat of force - nowhere have you ever entered into a clear contractual agreement about what you should pay for state "services" (let alone use)... in effect you are coerced into compliance because we've allowed centralised states to self perpetuate at the expense of our income... for taxes to have moral validity there needs to be a voluntary social contract - that is you should have the option to opt out without having to immigrate... come on; this is first and foremost our money... the dude who posed the original question should hang onto his cash, and buy gold coins if he wants to save and keep the trail out of the banking system which act as snitches for the state...

You're correct. Morality is irrelevant in this context. If you don't like the current system the vote for somebody who will change it to your liking. Or emigrate. In the meantime work within the generally accepted system of face the consequences.
Re: morals?

Our current tax system is implicitly endorsed at each election by the vast majority of people who vote for FF/FG/Lab/PD.

The 'opt-out' option is absolutely impractical - Are you going to make that decision at birth to ensure that no tax monies are spent on your post natal care? Or at age 4 to ensure no tax monies are spent on your education? How are you ever going to leave your house without using the road funed with tax money? Are you going to ensure that the builders who build your house weren't educated with state funds or on FAS schemes? Are we going to just step over your body if/when you collapse with illness?

Please advise how you can live your life without drawing on our tax money?

the fundamental issue is that taxes are levied via coercive force and interferes with an individual's right to pursue their own prosperity. That means paying and buying the services they need and want in a free market, not being lumped into a centralised statist effort which is more interested in its own perpetuation.
Subsidiary issue: the right to cast your vote ethically isn't an implicit acceptance of the existence of a tax in the first place.
So called "practicalities" may be difficult to change but why carry on living with an immoral system?
"Great Debates" or "Letting Off Steam"

Perhaps the mods should consider moving this thread to "Great Debates" or "Letting Off Steam" since the original question has been answered. (or at least chop off the last few posts on the rights and wrongs of taxation!)
Re: "Great Debates" or "Letting Off Steam&quo

I'm not advocating that You do avoid paying taxes...... but what's to say that You havn't been extremely lucky week on week by winning a few shillings at the bookies and banking the winnings!

Do keep in mind that if You do pay a visit to the Revenue (which I have stated in prev posts), they are in my experience extremely helpful.


My father has been giving grinds for 20+ years. Makes 125-150 per week.

Gives it all to the mother, she spends it on the housekeeping.

So the answer is just spend it, and withdraw less of your salary.

You could invest it in Prize bonds which you can just purchase by filling out an application form and going to the Post Office. At the end you'll have a lump sum with no paper trail, and as proof of regular saving you could just point to various ATM withdrawals and say from time to time you just withdraw money to buy them and have been doing so for 5 years.

You need to provide your PPS/RSI number to buy Prize Bonds these days so there is a potential paper trail back to Revenue.

This site should not allow contributors to help others to evade tax.

Rainyday says as much - but then others break with this and tell the original poster exactly how to break the law.

These posts should be reomved/ edited.

ah This post will be deleted if not edited immediately

This is not helping people evade tax.
The guy had a question and some answered it.
If he has chosen not to declare then he makes the decision and runs the risk.

and anyway, why we were screwed the people in charge like haughey were evading wholescale

and another thing, I paid paye tax on my income and my nixers, have just been made redundant and I get €138 (because my wife works part time) for 1 year and 1/4 max and then on to means testing. (which is embarassing)

Im mid 50's, cant get a job (too old even for B&Q) and I satnd in a queue every month where generally I am the ONLY Irish person.

I went to casualty cause now I cant afford a doctor and the same thing.

some fxxxxing thanks I've got for doing eveything honest and by the book.

There was a time when PAY RELATED meant that I would get 75% of my salary for 9-12 months but that was done away with.

The people in this board make me sick, they have never known hard times and sit up there adjudicating on every one else.

Their day will come and see how they like it.
Re: ah This post will be deleted if not edited immediately

Hi Taxdoubter - For the majority of people, taxes are levied/collected by a co-operative, community force not a coercive force. I'd be really interested to your proposed approach to practical application of your theories - how should we set up hospitals, schools, roads on a pure need/want free market basis.

These posts should be reomved/ edited.
Hi Bertie - The most effective counter-arguement to these proposals which offend you & I is simply to state the reasons why you disagree, rather than deleting the point.

Hi AJ - Sorry to hear of your difficult situation. Just for the record, I did spend a period of time on the dole in the past, though I didn't face the agism that you are probably facing or have the family commitments that you have.
and anyway, why we were screwed the people in charge like haughey were evading wholescale
Haughey was simply reflecting the ethos of the country at the time. As we've seen, many small traders were evading taxes via bogus non-resident accounts and many tradespersons, teachers etc were failing to declare their nixers. Many PAYE workers were on special 'allowances' as a tax dodge. Haughey had the neck to do it on a larger scale.

As a general point, part of the reason why there are no funds available to pay you improved social welfare is because people like the original poster aren't paying their fair share of tax.
Evadin Tax

If everybody paid all tax that they should pay then tax rates would be lower (ideal world of course)

However, if I am a blocklayer (which I am not, but for the sake of debate) and I run everything through the books etc., how am I supposed to compete with the guy that draws social welfare and does cash jobs laying blocks all the way?

The customer will pay the cheapest rate and rarely asks for receipts etc. and if cash is cheapest then cash is king.

The best we can hope for is that people at least pay some tax, so in the case of the guy here giving grinds, he is paying tax on his regular income, which I think is fair enough.