Solicitor for personal privacy issue


Registered User
Grateful for a recommendation of a solicitor in Dublin to deal with a personal privacy issue. Thanks
Someone who could advise on the issue of personal physical privacy, bordering on harassment.
That sounds like more of a criminal matter. So you’d need to go to a criminal firm. Staines, KOD Lyons etc.
Making a fresh call for help on this. The firms mentioned above deal more with criminal defence, whereas I’m looking for legal advice on my rights/options from a potential victim’s perspective.

An individual is going out of his way to make life uncomfortable for me and my family. It’s intimidation/harassment. Don’t want to say too much more beyond that.

PM me if preferred.

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It would be such a rare event, that I doubt you would have a solicitor who specialises in the area.

Most solicitors would have experience of taking out injunctions to stop people or companies doing stuff. That might have to be the route you go down, but it will be very expensive.

This guy and a colleague were harassed by a woman and they spent a lot of money on legal fees before the woman was eventually jailed.

You could ask him what solicitor he used.

Thanks Brendan

In this instance I think the person concerned just needs some manners put on him. The hope would be that a sharply-worded letter would give him reason to think.
Thanks Brendan

In this instance I think the person concerned just needs some manners put on him. The hope would be that a sharply-worded letter would give him reason to think.
Report him to the Gardai. A visit from the Guards - assuming they think the harassment is sufficiently serious - might clip his wings a bit. Better than any Solicitor’s letter.
Report him to the Gardai. A visit from the Guards - assuming they think the harassment is sufficiently serious - might clip his wings a bit. Better than any Solicitor’s letter.
Thanks Johnno

I’m still reluctant to call the guards on any person, although I’m being tested on that by the day.
A visit from the Guards - assuming they think the harassment is sufficiently serious - might clip his wings a bit. Better than any Solicitor’s letter.

This is really good advice. If you get talking to a local Garda who understands the issue, they will deal with it informally.

A call from a Garda is much more persuasive than a solicitor's letter.

Local community guard completely useless in my experience on a similar matter. Get the guards, courts involved and you are going to escalate matters if thats what you want. The type of person intimidating someone else in the manner as hinted at above isnt going to be in the slightest bit fazed by a community guard or their ilk! Think of every angle/ possible alternative path before you get the guards involved.
Nobody in this day and age gets intimidated by solicitors letters......You will always find a solicitor who will write whatever you want in a letter but to what end? If you are being harassed, then call the Guards and let them know. At least you will have a history of contacting them if things do escalate. You need to protect yourself. Going down the civil route as a first step is a waste of money and time. He might not listen to the Guards, the Guards might not do very much and tell you that they are limited to what they can do but at least you are now on the record. Add to it every time if there are further incidents so there is an official log. If it escalates or doesn't stop, then you are in a stronger position to take action. At the very least, the guards will be able to advise you on options...
It occurs that the behaviour I’m dealing may warrant an ASBO.

Anyone any experience of going this route?
Contact your local citizens' information.

or just ring any solictors, explain your issue and see if they will either set up a meeting or refer you to someone.

Be warned people into harassment/stalking etc generally don't take the law or legal threats seriously.
Even if you "get" an ASBO the harrassers won't stop there. The guards & courts dont have resources to police them nor do they want to. My earlier advice was think of every angle prior to the law. Including even think of moving. I know it sounds glib but thinking this will get sorted by an ASBO is equally glib.