Solicitor for abuse victim


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone could recommend a solicitor for a delicate matter. A colleague of mine wants to talk to a solicitor about abuse from a family member (father) when she was a child which continued for years. What sort of solicitor would you need, she is considering pressing charges against her father, is it too late for this? She is 32 and it began in childhood and continued until she was 19/20.

Kind regards
Re: Solicitor

I have no relevant professional experience, but this is certainly a case where a solicitor should be chosen based upon personal referral\recommendation.

Your colleague should be able to get a referral from one of the various support groups which exist for survivors of abuse. Alternatively, her GP or local HSE officials might be able to help with a referral. I am fairly sure that the gardai have dedicated special members to child abuse investigations - an enquiry to garda HQ might be of help.
Re: Solicitor this person going to prosecute the father or whats the final result expected to be

I would recommend that your collegue contact one in 4 where she will be able to avail of both counselling and advocacy services.
Feel free to PM me for more on this.

Sorry for taking so long to get back. We contacted One in Four last year on behalf of her sister who is also suffering terribly, but we were told they couldn't even talk to her because they were maxed out with work. Out of about 8 groups we contacted, everyone was busy, it just shows you how much we need these groups.

The outcome she is hoping for is that her father is brought to justice. He is a very nasty man.

Thanks for all your suggestions and you have given us a lot to go on.
