Hi stressed11
I think I should be stressed12 as I have exactly the same situation as you.
It is weird as I thought I was reading about myself when i read your post.
I am having huge financial difficulties at the moment and have a homewares and gift shop, like you it is not working out and we have come to the decision of closing up, we knew since christmas that it wasnt working out but we kept fooling ourselves into believeing that it would work, we kept saying next week will be better but it never was.
I dont know your full story but I think you should give up now rather than borrow more. If it didnt work for the last 2 years it wont now.
We are also in business for nearly 2 years.
Like you we made €78 euro yesterday so I know where you are coming from. We were averaging about 300-400 euro per day but it wasnt enough, we should have been doing at least 600 euro per day.
Now we are lucky to make 200 euro as we hardly have any stock at all and suppliers wont supplie us which is good in a way as it will only lead to more debt.
We have huge rates to pay and a even huger (is that a word) rent. we have a 25 year lease which we are trying to get out of at the moment. My parents went gaurantor on the lease which made it worse, I am so worried about them losing their house. I didnt even want them to be guarntor but they wanted to help and believed in me.
Now we cant even sell the lease as it is too expensive so we have to negotiate with the landlord. We are making some progress there which is good, I didnt think they would listen but we explained the situation and he is willing to listen.
I havent slept properly since last year and havent had a day off since christmas (7 days a week not 6) till recently as I decided to close one day a week so I could take a breather and sit back to look at the business properly.
If you want pm me and I can help some more. I bet we even sell the same type of stock.