Smoking Ban

daveco23 said:
Clean air?? On a street? Have a look at what is coming out of those little pipes at the back of cars - commonly known as exhausts. Perhaps the tut-tut brigade would like to donate their lungs to science, as last time I checked, asphyxiation also occurs with exhaust fumes, so there must be something in there impervious to all everyday pollutants other than cigarette smoke...

Am an ex smoker of some years standing, but this moral high ground of "I-wish-people-wouldn't-smoke-near-me-around-me-at-all" is pathetic. Smoking has been (quite rightly) banned in public places, so if the tut-tuts want to stay out of the way of the foul waft of a ciggie coming from a car 5 metres in front of them, or spare their eyes from the godawful, harrowing site of people smoking outside a pub or office, then they should remain in the sanctity of their smoke free homes until they are carried out feet first or get some common sense..

Well said.
dodo said:
With the fuel from cars etc, Which has improved it is now a cleaner fuel than used from years gone by, cigs on the other hand have stayed the same I'm thinking.

Sit in a car for a while with the windows rolled up and a tube from the exhaust into the car and it will still kill you... Sit behind a diesel truck in traffic and you will get a blast of crud far in excess of cig smoke from a car in front of you.
Automobiles, like cigs, are pollutants. Wishing someone wouldn`t smoke near you on a street while a multitude of traffic passes you is a cop out. I doubt the masks couriers wear while cycling through the streets are to keep cigarette smoke away from them.
A little present for beleaguered smokers everywhere. Print them off, cut them out and slip them into your fag packets instead of those depressing Govt. health warnings... :D
Those responses are soo predictable. Everytime someone voices a dislike of cigarette smoke, the pollution from cars is brought into the equation.
Thats another issue, and if someone wants to open a thread on that, they're free to do so. This thread is about cigarette pollution.

I mentioned I'd like to be able to walk down a street and breath freash, clean air, instead of exhaled cig smoke. Obviously to do this I dont choose a busy traffic choked street - instead I choose a route of wide, leafy boulevards. But since I live in a country where 20 cigs cost about 2E and there is a huge smoking culture, it means that practically everyone out on their evening stroll is puffing away, so I have to breath lungfulls of their smoke. Its the same in parks, where again there is no traffic, just cig pollution.
I suppose you will just have to get used to the idea that you share this planet with other people...
Purple said:
I agree, and there should be a dress code enforced to stop people looking shabby and men should be forced top shave in the mornings or trim their beards and women should have to have their hair done and keep up with the latest fashions (there’s nothing worse than last years shoes with this years outfit!), and children should not be allowed to cry in public.
We should also try, in a sensitive way, to get rid of the ugly people. They really let the side down….
What about the overweight - will we just allow them to walk around frightening little children? Possibly a back entrance into work for people below a certain level should be introduced too - it would hopefully keep them off the main thoroughfares anyway.
ragazza said:
Those responses are soo predictable. Everytime someone voices a dislike of cigarette smoke, the pollution from cars is brought into the equation.
Thats another issue, and if someone wants to open a thread on that, they're free to do so. This thread is about cigarette pollution.

I mentioned I'd like to be able to walk down a street and breath freash, clean air, instead of exhaled cig smoke. Obviously to do this I dont choose a busy traffic choked street - instead I choose a route of wide, leafy boulevards. But since I live in a country where 20 cigs cost about 2E and there is a huge smoking culture, it means that practically everyone out on their evening stroll is puffing away, so I have to breath lungfulls of their smoke. Its the same in parks, where again there is no traffic, just cig pollution.

Ok, so the solution to your problem is to go live a place where fags cost €30 per pack, smoking is banned outside as well as inside, has lots of leafy boulevards, no cars, and the same nanny state mentality as yourself..

Best of luck.

I could go on about what hazardous inhalents you could also find in parks and wide leafy bouelvards, but as you rightly pointed out, since this is a thread on cigarette pollution, I will leave it at that.
ragazza said:
Those responses are soo predictable. Everytime someone voices a dislike of cigarette smoke, the pollution from cars is brought into the equation.
Thats another issue, and if someone wants to open a thread on that, they're free to do so. This thread is about cigarette pollution.

I mentioned I'd like to be able to walk down a street and breath freash, clean air, instead of exhaled cig smoke. Obviously to do this I dont choose a busy traffic choked street - instead I choose a route of wide, leafy boulevards. But since I live in a country where 20 cigs cost about 2E and there is a huge smoking culture, it means that practically everyone out on their evening stroll is puffing away, so I have to breath lungfulls of their smoke. Its the same in parks, where again there is no traffic, just cig pollution.
It's not another issue. The point that is being made is that people should live and let live within reason. Sure, I don't like it when walking down the street and someone lights up in front of me - but does it seriously impinge on my life? - of course not - so there's no need to get puritanical and judgmental about it like some of the people here. I don't know where you are but here smoking is banned in all public establishments. Leave it at that and get a life.
Last week, day time

Unmarked Garda Car

Bottom of Harcourt St ( Dublin )

Driving quick ( for the road )

Siren on

Single occupant

Smoking while at the wheel
What's next? Confining smokers to their own homes (ony when no visitors are present) and forcing them to keep their windows closed in case any of the vile smoke escapes to pollute the pristine atmosphere outside? Maybe chimneys should be sealed too - and air vents - in case some seeps through with the coal, gas, oil or other lovely vapours? No need for Kyoto then eh?
dodo said:
I agree it looks so common to see people smoking outside buildings, think about someone whos first time is in Dublin get taxi throught town on a busy Friday evening and all they see is clouds of smoke and gangs of people hanging on corners cheap looking or what

You're right. Cancel the smoking ban and let us back inside. Then you'll be happy. Won't you.
No I will be happy when you all reliase that smoking cause's cancer to yourselves and those around you who don't smoke, and you have enough cop on to quit
podgerodge said:
You're right. Cancel the smoking ban and let us back inside. Then you'll be happy. Won't you.
Good to see the spirit of tolerance for the minorities alive and well here! ;)

PS - I don't smoke.
dodo said:
No I will be happy when you all reliase that smoking cause's cancer to yourselves and those around you who don't smoke, and you have enough cop on to quit

Dodo - there are three or four non-smokers on this thread already who completely disagree with what you are saying, so having enough cop on here is not the issue. The issue here is that yourself and other tut-tuts need to realise that you share this earth with other people and that you will not always agree with their actions. This nazi like attitude to smokers is ridiculous. Its a personal choice for people if they want to smoke - Live with it.
Speaking as one who "copped on" some time ago I suggest that you do likewise and go join ASH who will happily listen to your nanny state whining all day.
Someone mentioned we need to share this earth - as common decency when sharing anything, it's helpful to have a bit of consideration for others. I dont call it very considerate when somone blows their smoke straight into your face, drying out your contact lenses and stinking your hair and clothes.

I dated a smoker for 3 years and never had a problem with it, since he was one of the considerate smokers, who held his cigarette away from people's faces, blew the smoke away from people, and didnt litter his butts.
I've absolutely no problem with people making their personal choice to smoke; I just hate it when they indirectly involve me in their decision.

I dont mean to sound harsh but that is the reality we are facing here. Until the day comes (which i doubt will ever happen or at least not in the near future as there would be uproar)when smoking is completly banned everywhere but the smokers home or maybe not even that, then we all have to live with inconsiderate as it might be it is, for the forseeable future, a fact of life and all the moaning will not change that, it just irritates people who smoke and you end up looking and sounding like a narrow minded staunch old grump. Every smoker is aware of the health risks they take and of secondhand smoke effects, and although you may view this to be inconsiderate on their behalf you at least have to acknowledge that they are not directly smoking to annoy you or blowing it in their face, they are doing what the smoking bans objective was, .....not smoking in work places which the majority include public to call then rude /inconsiderate Ect for having a smoke in their car on the way home from work or walking along the street seems to me to be a bit radical and unfair.
very well put sarah

Ps just in time for me to go have a cig, which by the way i will light outside. I will remember not to blow the smoke directly at anyone, but you know its Ireland and its a little windy