Smoking Ban


Registered User
I love the public smoking ban in shops,pubs etc, but to day while driving home from a hards days work traffic crawling for a change , I had the window down enjoying the sun when the person in the car in front decided to light up a smoke and that was the end of me enjoying the sunshine.Her smoke came towards me and it was so bad I had to pull the window up . Will there ever come a day when us who do not smoke will be free of this nasty and unhealty vice.
What about the fumes of your exhaust that cyclists and pedestrians have to put up with?
Chamar said:
What about the fumes of your exhaust that cyclists and pedestrians have to put up with?
I cycle to work when I can but as I am not stuck in the traffic it does not effect me as much as been in a car and not moving, on the same note the amount of people who smoke in their cars with kids on board is shocking
dodo said:
I cycle to work when I can but as I am not stuck in the traffic it does not effect me as much as been in a car and not moving, on the same note the amount of people who smoke in their cars with kids on board is shocking

Well you didn't cycle to work that day polluting the atmosphere etc.

Re. people's kids, what people feed them is far more harmful and negligent. And I'm sure you don't even care - it's just a smokescreen (pardon the pun) to whine and try and dictate to others.

BTW, I am not a smoker.
I hate seeing people smoking in front of their young kids too.
The other day I was out for lunch, and at the table beside me was a family (grandparents, parents, aunts etc). ALL the adults were smoking, and they had a 2 yr old child with them who was playing with their lighter while surrounded by a fog of smoke.
I also hate seeing people smoking while pushing buggies, and the ash falling in on top of the childrens' heads!
Her smoke came towards me and it was so bad I had to pull the window up
It must have been some size of a reefer she was smoking!!
Smoking should be made illegal, sure has'nt it worked a treat with drugs!
I was sitting at our bay window this evening when I started smelling smoke. There were guys standing beside a car 2 doors up smoking, and it was drifting down stinking up my room.

Maybe it should only be allowed in their own homes?
What annoys me is large numbers of people standing outside buildings smoking. There should be an exclusion zone in which no smoking is allowed within so many metres of a door.

bond-007 said:
What annoys me is large numbers of people standing outside buildings smoking. There should be an exclusion zone in which no smoking is allowed within so many metres of a door.

I agree it looks so common to see people smoking outside buildings, think about someone whos first time is in Dublin get taxi throught town on a busy Friday evening and all they see is clouds of smoke and gangs of people hanging on corners cheap looking or what

I agree, and there should be a dress code enforced to stop people looking shabby and men should be forced top shave in the mornings or trim their beards and women should have to have their hair done and keep up with the latest fashions (there’s nothing worse than last years shoes with this years outfit!), and children should not be allowed to cry in public.
We should also try, in a sensitive way, to get rid of the ugly people. They really let the side down….
I'd love if smoking in public was banned - no more entering a cloud of smoke just to get in the door at work; not being asphyxiated in the bus queue by everyone around me smoking; being able to walk down the street and breath clean air....
ragazza said:
I'd love if smoking in public was banned - no more entering a cloud of smoke just to get in the door at work; not being asphyxiated in the bus queue by everyone around me smoking; being able to walk down the street and breath clean air....

Ah the fresh clean air of the city bus queue...
ragazza said:
I'd love if smoking in public was banned - no more entering a cloud of smoke just to get in the door at work; not being asphyxiated in the bus queue by everyone around me smoking; being able to walk down the street and breath clean air....

Clean air?? On a street? Have a look at what is coming out of those little pipes at the back of cars - commonly known as exhausts. Perhaps the tut-tut brigade would like to donate their lungs to science, as last time I checked, asphyxiation also occurs with exhaust fumes, so there must be something in there impervious to all everyday pollutants other than cigarette smoke...

Am an ex smoker of some years standing, but this moral high ground of "I-wish-people-wouldn't-smoke-near-me-around-me-at-all" is pathetic. Smoking has been (quite rightly) banned in public places, so if the tut-tuts want to stay out of the way of the foul waft of a ciggie coming from a car 5 metres in front of them, or spare their eyes from the godawful, harrowing site of people smoking outside a pub or office, then they should remain in the sanctity of their smoke free homes until they are carried out feet first or get some common sense..
With the fuel from cars etc, Which has improved it is now a cleaner fuel than used from years gone by, cigs on the other hand have stayed the same I'm thinking. I do cycle most days to work buy sometimes due to the job I have to drive,