Small benefit exemption Card fees

Still no callback from Perx.. just rang them and they said they can't supply the cards.. something todo with their website..
Right.. whos... next...
I love the One4All though - the job gives us generous amounts on them every year. Loads of stuff in Woodies, B&Q and can use in most Supervalus also!
I was using Perx for a few years but each year the recipients of the cards were having more and more hassle activating the card, checking balance etc. This year I switched to Swirl and they've been very straightforward to use and to deal with. Can't remember the fees charged, may have worked out slightly cheaper than Perx.
Thanks everyone for your input thus far.

My main requirements for these gift cards were:
  • that they wouldn't be restricted to particular retailers (like All4One etc)
  • that they could be used online and tapping ( so need a digital version)
  • that the fees wouldn't be ridiculous (like Clevercards..)
  • buying them wouldnt be stupidly difficult (sorry Perx, but.. No)
AllGo Digital cards were what ended up satisifying those requirements.
Strangely, Swirl told me their cards were not digital and you had to take a physical card .. but I dunno.. lookin at their website it looks like they can be used online.. but shur..

Anyway, hope this thread is of use to someone else as well...
Strangely, Swirl told me their cards were not digital and you had to take a physical card .. but I dunno.. lookin at their website it looks like they can be used online.. but shur..
And what would stop you using a physical card online? The majority of online transactions here are based on physical cards. A digital card is more restrictive in that you have to enable it in a mobile wallet to allow you transact in-store.
Oh nothing at all...
I just had no use for one.. just wanted digital, straight into the wallet.
Swirl looks grand too, I just went with AllGo in the end...
I just had no use for one.. just wanted digital, straight into the wallet.
The physical ones are simple to add to a digital wallet also, you just have to be patient enough to wait for them to arrive in the post. Some of the Digital-only ones require additional steps to enrol them in 3D Secure to allow them to be used online, the physical cards are usually ready to go.