sleeping around


Registered User
I'm worried about young people .
It seems to me that they spend most of their time sleeping. One hears all the time that John slept with Mary last night or Mandy met a great guy ,went home with him and slept with for one night.

If young people are so tired , they need to do something about it. Maybe if they had sex instead of sleeping, life might be more exciting.

What worries me also is that if they don't have sex, there will be no more children. This will put an end to Santa at Christmas, no more toy shops, no more noise on Christmas day , no more boring movies. In fact, we won't have any Easter bunnies nor chocolate eggs.

Come to think of it , we could all save a pile of money, so ,young people, keep on sleeping with other .
Could do with a sleep right now meself :D

Are you in work? have a look around I'm sure you couldn't be the only one who needs a sleep! maybe somebody would like to join you for a sleep?

Jeeze I could really do with a right good old fashioned sleep right now myself!

Levelpar - sounds like you might need a good sleep too! less thinking more sleeping
This reminds me of the time I went into the warehouse in work and announced 'I need a screw'.
Several helpful gentlemen stepped forward looking eager.
I finished my statement 'to screw back on my reg plate, its hanging crooked, anyone got one?'.
I agree, you can get a really go sleep on your own without stressing if anyone else is sleeping or not

Yeah you don't need to put any preparation into the sleep you, you don't have to make the bed all comfortable & warm - you can just go straight to sleep!
Jeez I went into the jacks in Mahon point last week & there was 2 people asleep in one of the cubicles - never heard anyone snore like it in my life I tell ya!
Funny thread.

I remember a few years ago excitedly telling an older colleague about the guy I'd slept with the night before. She didn't understand what i meant and thought I was very dull to take him to bed just to sleep !!!

I didn't like to explain to her what we actually did..