slatterys travel company

Does anyone know what the situation is if you have to pay Club Travel additional monies on top of what you paid Slatterys in order to get the same holiday?

Is that money included in the bond system?

Do you have any recourse legal or otherwise?
You either have to pay the extra money to Club to get the same holiday or you can insist on your money back from the Commission for Aviation Regulation.(

You cannot claim from the bond the extra payment that Club is forcing you to pay.

Besides paying the costs of bringing back stranded clients of bust travel firms, the other purpose of the bond is to refund actual monies spent buying that holiday, not to pay extra costs obtaining the same holiday with another travel company.

I started a rant on this months ago near the start of this thread...

Basically, the whole deal between the Commission for Aviation Regulation and Club Travel is a scandal. When Slatterys went broke the Commission should have just refunded the money, via the normal refund application forms which are obtainable on line or over the phone.

Instead, in the case of Slatterys, the Commission stated that Club "were taking over the bookings " thus giving innocent customers like yourselves the impression that everything was O.K. - that is, whatever you booked with Slatterys would be done via Club.
Over the last few weeks customers have been told by Club that there is an extra charge of up to 50% on top of what Slatterys had charged.

Unfortunately, customers don't realise that they should demand their money back immediately from the Commission and go and book somewhere else. The customers believe - and the aviationreg website strengthened this belief -that they had to pay extra otherwise they'd lose all their money. Not so -you're free to claim your money and book elsewhere.

(Perhaps because the Commission did something they had no right to do - rather than doing their duty to refund customers they pushed those customers to Club Travel who then charged extra - maybe there is a case for legal action. But against the government? Is it worth it ?)
Thanks, just annoyed the way it all went down really. Was told by Slatterys and Club Travel that all was ok (this all happened the week Slatterys ceased trading), everything was confirmed etc. and it was just a matter of printing tickets as all costs paid. Then when we were getting someone to collect on Friday morning they rang and said they wouldn't issue tickets unless we paid an extra €2k, we were flying out the following monday for our honeymoon.

Don't think I'll ever forget the last few days before our wedding!
From what you say it seems that you may have case. Assuming the following is true:-
1. You had a contract with Slatterys -everything confirmed.
2. The government -i.e. Dept of Transport's Commission for AViation Regulation states that Club has "taken over S. bookings" - could a lawyer interpret that statement. To me and everyone I've talked to this meant exactly what it said -your booking had not changed, there was no big increase -it had simply been transferred with govnt blessing to Club Travel.
3. Club Travel confirmed this was the case -everything was fine.
4. At the last moment Club said - no holidays unless you give us another TWO THOUSAND euros !!!

If the above statments are true then perhaps you should have a brief chat with a lawyer. the question is -with whom is the argument - the Commission or Club travel ??
Hi oldnick,

Thanks for your reply. We have our solicitor looking into the whole situation at moment.

It appears that Club Travel in certain circumstances are suggesting to people (saw another tread in consumer issues & rights section) that Slatterys were erroneous in calculating costs involved with holiday, i.e. forgetting to include items that were requested like car hire, transfers etc. hence the reason for increased costs.

That would be an easy cop-out for them as the Club Travel person I was dealing with couldn't give me an itemised bill from Slatterys as it was an all in quote and they didn't know what we were being charged for each item....
I don't know if this would help your lawyer. i publicly can't say anything more than what's below.

1. Slatterys went bust and then...
2. Either Club Travel approached the Commisison and offered to "take over the bookings" - or Slatterys told the Commisison that they're closing and that Club Travel would deal with the affected clients.

I don't know whether Club promisied that boOkings would be honoured at price Slatterys gave - if no such promise was given I don't know why Commission allowed -indeed promoted the fact on their website-that Club Travel were taking over the bookings.

3. After the Commission advertised the fact that Club Travel would deal with customers those customers were then told by Club they'd have to pay extra if they wanted their holiday .
And many were charged extra - a couple who booked through mya gency for a Saltterys holiday was asked to pay 2K on top of the 5k price. I phoned the Commission and asked why was my client told to go through Club rather than let any travel agent deal with her , or indeed why didnt the Commission help her directly?

4. Following protests by customers and travel agents the Commission -after some days -amended their advice and told customers that customers could also deal directly with the Commission .

Your lawyers problem is deciding who erred -Club travel or Commission. I dont blame Club Travel for getting in on a great opportunity to make money. Frankly i'm envious I'd love it if the Commission told people that they must deal only with my company if a large tour operator ceases trading (as one soon will !) and that I get all the profits.
Club saw a business opportunity.
Commissions saw a way out of doing their job.

It's the Commission who were wrong in not dealing directly with the customers. So your lawyer may have a tough job.