Big complaint in our house is that most of Man U. games have been on Setanta recently. When games are on Setanta we go to the local GAA Club where they are shown on big screens! I'm not paying for both sports channels.
We have a SKY box, but, when Richard Keys (why does he have to always look into the camera?) or Jamie ("he DONE dat, he DO BE, dat's a big ASK") Redknapp appears, my youngest is trained to hit the mute button. Roy Keane was spot on when he said that he wouldn't let them walk his dog. Andy Gray knows his stuff, but, has been marginalised in recent months. Best pundits on TV: Giles, Brady, Souness (RTE version, not the Sky clone), Lawrensen, Hansen and Dunphy. Setanta's pundits are a joke.
I have a neighbour who watches Sky Sports, but, channels Radio 5 Live through his surround sound for commentary!
We have a SKY box, but, when Richard Keys (why does he have to always look into the camera?) or Jamie ("he DONE dat, he DO BE, dat's a big ASK") Redknapp appears, my youngest is trained to hit the mute button. Roy Keane was spot on when he said that he wouldn't let them walk his dog. Andy Gray knows his stuff, but, has been marginalised in recent months. Best pundits on TV: Giles, Brady, Souness (RTE version, not the Sky clone), Lawrensen, Hansen and Dunphy. Setanta's pundits are a joke.
I have a neighbour who watches Sky Sports, but, channels Radio 5 Live through his surround sound for commentary!