Sky Movies Rating Sytem via Chorus NTL.


Registered User
I find the rating system (which requires you to input a four digit code on your remote and press 'OK' before 8 p.m. for all movies which SKY consider unsuitable for children) very annoying. Particularly so as I am in a house with no children.

I have spoken with Chorus NTL and they say that the rating system is imposed by SKY Movies and not them and that they have no control over it.

They suggested that I contact SKY directly, though they didn't hold out much hope of being able to deactivate it.

Has anyone had any success in having it switched off?

Or is there a workaround that someone is aware of?


I've got sky+ which has the same "parental control" system, which prevents playback of recorded programmes/films before the watershed unless the PIN is entered.

I've just had a look at the on screen menu on the Sky box and it can be switched off (Press Services button, select Parental Control, Other controls, set PIN on playback to off).

Is there a similar menu on the UPC box?