Sit In at the Passport Office

You don't get it. That is also the normal modus operandus of Civil Servants. They are now making a point by sticking rigidly to their role profiles. It is a complete departure from normal service and is being done to make a point. Why would you have a work to rule that's not going to have any impact.
Ok Liaconn,
I will change that statement to ; You have to be employed to get back to work.

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What point is that exactly?
I think, perhaps without them realising, their 'point' may be backfiring somewhat.

Has it not occurred to them that most non PS/CS employees work way outside of their supposed remit all the time?

Many of these people seem to think if not for the favours they do and how they go out of their way that nothing would get done. Which in itself begs the question of a complete revision of what their roles should entail - I'd be surprised if this wasn't a major aspect of the new public service body.

I've mentioned it before but what if private sector suppliers/customers implemented their own WTR? We do the public sector loads of favours as it is. Maybe we shouldn't bother. Maybe I'll demand my rights as a taxpaying citizen and kick up a huge fuss every time I need to avail of public 'services'. I'm paying for it - I'll make them do all the work and run around for me. They are servants after all. I'll report anyone who looks at me crooked.

Does that sound fair?
I dont accept that answering phones and not manning counters is not part of their job descriptions? These are clerical officers who are the "general operatives" of the civil service. Their terms and conditions are quite broad and extend to any type of admin or customer service work.
Would anyone like to do the maths on the following?

Firstly we need confirmation or a guess as to how many passports have been processed each day since the work to rule ?

A backlog of 45000 passports ,over ten weeks of work to rule.Thats 50 days.

Add on the ones which have been processed.

How many a day does it work out at?

How many an hour does it work out at?

Divide this by the number of staff employed by the passport office.

It would be an interesting exercise to see how productive they really are,and if they are,well fair play to them.

Regardless it would be cheaper to outsource to India.

Cheap shot aside, it doesnt matter if they are the most efficient clerical workers in the world, if there isnt money to pay them extra, then there isnt money to pay them extra. The whole country is in the same boat, they just are refusing to help with the buckets to stop us sinking.
if there isnt money to pay them extra, then there isnt money to pay them extra. The whole country is in the same boat

yet those civil servants at the top (assistant secretary generals and sec gen's) had their pay cut's "cut" (one of the reasons behind the industrial action) and Anglo Irish Bank can ask for €6bn...

This country has money, just not for the lower paid or for those who need it most!
Id say ,watch that space.
This was taken from the article you mention;

"It also proposes more proactive measures to manage queues and prioritise those with immediate travel needs.".

I might interpret that as, they will prioritize those who will travel the within the next week,and will manage queues by staying at their counters.

I hate to be cynical but ,they may have a different view,ie;

They would deal with those traveling within a couple of days,and manage queues by allowing only the amount they are prepared to deal with into the office and then close the doors.
I hope I'm wrong.

I agree. My boss has the ear of one the HSE 'employers' (the fella in the room with the unions) and various union officals. Her take on it is the Civil Service is the one pushing for all out strikes while health is resigned to the cutbaks. As unions they have to appear to be reading for the same book.

That's the impression I get here myself. I've resigned myself to the fact my pay is cut by €100 a week. I fully expect another one in the next budget and haven't thought beyond that.

So we have to so what Sean McGrath DHR tells us. Do more with less.
Did anyone hear the guy from the passport office on drivetime a few minutes ago?

He said he just cant understand why people book their holidays without having their passport!!
This is an idiotic statement.

There are several reasons why I say this ,they are as follows.

Is there a rule that says I must have a passport before I book my holiday?

What if I cant afford to buy my passport at the time of booking my holiday?There may be families of four,five six etc and passports are very expensive.

People are being cautious and are not booking too far in advance in case the travel agents goes belly up.

If I book my holiday two,three four months in advance,I do not see any reason why I could not get a passport in this time frame,or even ten days as per the passport postal service.

It is absolutely none of his business when I get my passport!

The logical conclusion is that everyone in the country ,man woman and child should have an up to date passport,in case ,God forbid they happen to win/book/be treated and or buy a holiday.
Expect it to come up on Winning Streak soon.

"Oh well done Biddy. You've won an all expenses paid trip to the Carribean."

"Fantastic. Only, well, my passport expires in a couple of months. That won't be a problem will it?"

"You dozzy bint!"

The country doesnt have money, we are borrowing to finance current expenditure at the moment. Unless you believe in ostrich economics, we have to pay those borrowings back at some point. The more borrowings, the more interest we have to pay on our national debt, which means even less money for public sector wages/services.

I dont agree with the higher paid civil servants getting a cut in their cut (they would have had a 23% cut apparently if they hadnt cut the cut due to some crap about bonuses, but it was still wrong) but people have to wake up and realise that we cant afford the wages/pensions that everyone wants.
As unions they have to appear to be reading for the same book.
Different unions frequently have different positions on IR matters. In the case, it is the CPSU taking the mandate from their own members taking industrial action. They don't 'have to appear to be reading for the same book'.
Unless you believe in ostrich economics, we have to pay those borrowings back at some point.

No I believe in Real Life Economics... We dont have any money, well then Anglo can go and sing for their money, so can AIB and BOI. They should not be given another single cent and they should be hit with a Banking Tax to pay us all back. And Senior Public Servant should take the maximum hit with low paid staff being protected

But... Fianna Fail Economics will mean that Anglo will get the €6bn they ask for, developers will be bailed out, those who caused this mess will get away with it. But pity about the low paid and those who have lost their jobs because sorry lads we have no money for you guys...