SIPTU official got 1000e a day..

Maybe all of the paid-up members of SIPTU should picket the gates of, er, SIPTU
Absolutely right csirl.

I honestly believe that a lot of them suffer from self esteem issues and that they feel anyone in management is better than them ,this festers away at them and they get angry and shout very loudly,cause problems for others ,obstruct new and easier working ways..moan and complain about how much everyone else earns but couldn't be bothered educating themselves and move up the ladder,their ignorance is dangerous!!

I have found in any meeting with unions I have had ,they are stirring the fire.It can start as something very small but because they feel inferior this is their only way of getting back at whom they perceive to be the enemy..

Its just a pity that the HSE "training " funds weren't spent on personal development well spent ..and helpful. to all involved.
In my line of work (Former life) I have found that those who lack self esteem,are the ones who feel a huge need to be seen as getting the upper hand as they perceive it..
Indeed - you don't hear much about this from Higgins & the Socialist mob incl. SF (unless I missed it of course ).
Looks like there's a bit of craic going on here too:

"SIPTU said yesterday that it had been assured by Aer Lingus that the deal had been endorsed by independent legal and tax advisers.
It added: 'We won't tolerate our members receiving less than what was agreed.'"

Plenty of things they will tolerate though!

And the DAA and who knows how many other government run bodies have implemented similar plans. Only in the sheltered sector!
Perhaps the reason SIPTU are not commenting is because their investigation is still proceeding and that they are having the same difficulties as the HSE in unravelling matters , let's not forget that it's the HSE that had the ultimate say in releasing funds.
But hey if people want to convict somebody on the basis of the scant facts available to date , please feel free.
I prefer to work on the basis that somebody is innocent until proven guilty.

We are not convicting anyone. We are convicting the hse and siptu. The fact that they lodged the money suggests that they know enough. It is not just the fact that the funds were spent, it is what the funds were spent on. For a trade union to spend training money on junkets is disgraceful. They went on the trips so they knew as did the hse and as did senior civil servants. Feel free to keep believing in your bearded friends though

I am simply pointing out that two investigations are currently taking place.

Surely it is better to see what conclusions are reached before proceeding to judgement ?
And, in spite of all of this, Des Geraghty, President of the SIPTU Politburo from 1999 to 2004, has been appointed to the Board of the Central Bank. What the bejasus does Des know about banking? There is nothing in his impressive CV which indicates he can be any advantage to board of the CB.

"He is a former member of the RTÉ Authority, the Board of FÁS, the National Competitiveness Council, the Affordable Homes Partnership and the National Economic and Social Council and a former Chair of Poetry Ireland."
Just looking at the DAA and Aer Lingus redudancy scam - can anyone avail of that? Like, could an employer in the private sector lay off a load of workers, get the government to pay 60% of the redundancy, and then hire them all back on different terms? I mean, is it just me or does this seem like a massive loophole? Or is it just a practice that takes place in areas controlled by the government and vested interests on our corrupt little island?
There is nothing in his impressive CV which indicates he can be any advantage to board of the CB.

Other than being a serial board member that is - that's all you need on the CV apparently.

Old board members never die, they just continue to find less and less relevant boards to be members of until any link with the reality of their background or experience becomes so obscure, that they simply fade away into the ether, unnoticed.
Surely the most unbelievable appoitment to this regulatory body is that of Mike Soden.

Mr. Soden resigned as CEO of Bank of Ireland after breaching regulatory policy on the viewing of certain websites.

Such viewing reflected either an ignorance of regulations are a blatant disregard of same.

In any event this man should never be left near a regulatory body.
Mr. Soden resigned as CEO of Bank of Ireland after breaching regulatory policy on the viewing of certain websites.

The website he was allegedly viewing is [broken link removed]

As a Bank of Ireland shareholder I am disgusted

What regulatory policy?? It was against company policy. I am typing this from work which is against company policy. Should I never be allowed near a regulatory body?

However, I wouldn't of asked Snoden to be on the Board either. Has nothing to do him looking at escort sites though
It is very strange that the mandrians in SIPTU on their big salaries have gone so quiet.

For years - trade unionists sat happingly in social partnership

These people are still being appointed to the boards of state companies.

The Irish Labour party have also gone silent.

Where is the accountability.

This is tax payers money - Where can you get a list of siptu officials who took foriegn trips?
cork - there was an article in the Irish Times last week with names - I heard one of the names as far back as last year. have a long thread on the same subject and they have the IT's article link contained within that.