Sign of Peace at mass

Do the people who have a problem with this know that it's quite difficult to pick up diseases through your hands? If the person next to you is coughing into their hand etc then after you shake their hand don't lick your own one or suck your fingers, pick your nose/ ear and you should survive 'till you get home and cleans yourself in you hermetically sealed home.
Do the people who have a problem with this know that it's quite difficult to pick up diseases through your hands? If the person next to you is coughing into their hand etc then after you shake their hand don't lick your own one or suck your fingers, pick your nose/ ear and you should survive 'till you get home and cleans yourself in you hermetically sealed home.
Ha!! Ha!
Seemingly you can pick up warts by shaking hands according to my doc.
There was an item on American news channel one night saying every family should have a dog, it will help children build their immunity. I must say I thoroughly agree with this and it makes lots of sense. What did people do long ago when they had no running water etc so they would'nt be able to wash their hands every 5 minutes.
Do the people who have a problem with this know that it's quite difficult to pick up diseases through your hands? If the person next to you is coughing into their hand etc then after you shake their hand don't lick your own one or suck your fingers, pick your nose/ ear and you should survive 'till you get home and cleans yourself in you hermetically sealed home.

Communion is usually distributed after the "sign of peace" so anyone who chooses to receive the host in their hands should not do so until the above instructions have been carried out!!!!.

Doctor, Doctor, did you wash your hands!!!

not all immune compromised people are hospital patients!!!
During last years election I shook hands with my local TD, and he'd been scratching his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language for five years :).
His fingernails must have been pretty grubby or his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language very sore!
Seemingly you can pick up warts by shaking hands according to my doc.
There was an item on American news channel one night saying every family should have a dog, it will help children build their immunity. I must say I thoroughly agree with this and it makes lots of sense. What did people do long ago when they had no running water etc so they would'nt be able to wash their hands every 5 minutes.

My sister ( now in her forties) went missing when about four ...she was eventually found hiding under the kitchen table sharing every second lick of the sugar bowl with Spot our mongrel working cow dog. It did not harm her (or more surprisingly the dog), neither of my parents considered bringing either of them to the doctor (or the vet) for shots... if this has happened now..tetanus shots and god knows what else would have been almost mandatory... I dont advocate dirty homes or not cleaning ones hands etc... but we have become hysterical about cleanliness in last 20 Years.... and yet are we healthier do we catch less bugs etc..
Just a question for other mass goers. Does anyone else wish they'd cease the sign of peace bit. I don't know how many times I've sat beside someone biting their nails, repeatedly blowing their nose into a grubby hanky etc, dreading the fact that I'm going to have to shake their hand shortly. I think its really unhygienic and have heard other people complaining about it as well.
Didn't This post will be deleted if not edited immediately wash a few blokes' dirty feet without moaning about it? Maybe you should take a leaf out of your leader's book?
I know we're slightly getting away from the main topic but I can remember my late dad sitting in the kitchen wearing his warm jacket in the winter time, no central heating, just open fire and both front and back door opened directly from outside into kitchen. Way healthier than too much heating.
"your religion" teaches ,love thy neighbour and all that jazz, not very christian of you to not want to shake hands with people at mass. Also if you don't want smark alec comments, save your complaints for confession and not a public forum.
As an atheist the sign of peace is my favourite part of the mass. Sort of quaint and at least it's a form of engagement (however minimal) with one's fellow man which is a nice antidote to what goes on otherwise.
My sister ( now in her forties) went missing when about four ...she was eventually found hiding under the kitchen table sharing every second lick of the sugar bowl with Spot our mongrel working cow dog. It did not harm her (or more surprisingly the dog), neither of my parents considered bringing either of them to the doctor (or the vet) for shots... if this has happened now..tetanus shots and god knows what else would have been almost mandatory... I dont advocate dirty homes or not cleaning ones hands etc... but we have become hysterical about cleanliness in last 20 Years.... and yet are we healthier do we catch less bugs etc..

Agree with this. When we were small, we used to pick used chewing gum off the road, and if you blessed it(!) it became safe to eat. We also used to put money (coins) in our mouth. Absolutely disgusting.

Yet, if you were to think of all the things,sign of the peace, door handles, tongs in salad bars in supermarkets(one I thought of recently), you could easily become paranoid.

What about putting money in the Colcannon? Did anybody else do that?
My sister ( now in her forties) went missing when about four ...she was eventually found hiding under the kitchen table sharing every second lick of the sugar bowl with Spot our mongrel working cow dog. It did not harm her (or more surprisingly the dog), neither of my parents considered bringing either of them to the doctor (or the vet) for shots... if this has happened now..tetanus shots and god knows what else would have been almost mandatory... I dont advocate dirty homes or not cleaning ones hands etc... but we have become hysterical about cleanliness in last 20 Years.... and yet are we healthier do we catch less bugs etc..

There are way more bugs now than years back. Think we never heard of a 'virus' back then. Now everything is put down as a virus.
What about putting money in the Colcannon? Did anybody else do that?

Yes, but not any more, now I put it in Northern Rock:D
I recall reading a newspaper report some years ago of a study which had found a significantly lower incidence of infectious disease among regular churchgoers The authors of the study posited the notion it was down to the beneficial impact on the immune system of encountering all those bacteria and viruses on a weekly basis. If that's correct, then the sign of peace may have a significant prophylactic effect and the bishops should make it mandatory in all their churches.