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i think to answer your qn, if you are asking for an early inheritance and its forthcoming, the tax implications are the same as if you inherited the money, i.e. you have a CAT threshold and amounts over that are taxable, the 3k annual small gift exemption has already been mentioned, if they were so minding for example your parents could gift you and your spouse 3k from each of them (12k in total) and 6k to each child (another 30K) not small beans!We are at a v financially busy time of our lives (3 teens in private school and 2 more to go through). We have saved for years to pay for education but we'll have nothing left for retirement. We are still going on holidays but living frugally where we can. I mind an elderly parent which means I don't work many hours. Fortunately my parent is still in reasonable good health (long may this last) but I am due an inheritance in the far future which wld make our lives a lot easier financially. I'm trying to manage outgoings (savings go to fees) and am wondering should I ask for part of inheritance now and are their tax implications. Thank you very much.
Details are below
Personal details
Age: 46
Spouse’s/Partner's age: 48
Number and age of children: 5 - 17, 15, 12, 9, 7
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 15000
Annual gross income of spouse: 112000
Monthly take-home pay Approx 7000
Type of employment: semi state and self employed
In general are you:
(a) spending more than you earn, or
(b) saving?
Breaking even
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home worth €800k with a €90k mortgage
Cash of €5k
Share portfolio 120k
Defined Contribution pension fund: unsure but spouse pays in every month
Family home mortgage information
Lender AiB 2.8%
Type of interest rate:fixed for another 3 years
Monthly repayment: 580
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? yes
Buy to let properties
not applicable
Other savings and investments:
Do you have a pension scheme? Spouse does. I don't.
Do you own any investment or other property? No
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We overpaid a lot on our mortgage over the years to bring it to a small amount as school fees (2000 a month for 10 months of the yr - no fees in summer) so we pay out 2600 a month between mortgage and fees on basically 1 salary with a bit extra from me.
We are not saving and need about 20k to do extra repairs to the house in the coming years.
My question is - should I ask for part of an inheritance now when we have a lot of expenses. My parent would be very willing to do this but what are the tax implications?
thank you