Elderfield's original position was wrong.
PTSB are clearly profiteering and will continue to do so as long as we allow them to.
Profit chasing is what has gotten us into this mess - so its past time to put a brake on the PTSB.
The myth of the self-regulating free market is broken and needs to be eviscerated and dealt with finally.
It is clear that without any regulation capitalists - without conscience or an awareness of society's well-being - will chase profits.
The subject is their interest rate, not their loan book - please let's stay on topic, because this is not just an important discussion.
Their loan book is completely relevant to the discussion. One of the biggest reasons we got into this crisis was the mis-pricing of risk and despite that we now have people saying that banks are profiteering because they charge higher interest rates than their competitors without knowing anything about it.
The regulator obviously has competition concerns and justifiably so but to suggest that every bank should charge the same rate or automatically cut/increase rates depsite having different risk and costs on their books is ridiculous.