Should people have to do an IQ test before being allowed to vote

But if you vote in a way that destroys the economy, you are also going to suffer. It's short sighted, unethical and downright greedy.

You want people to vote to your liking so then means you are greedy then? People vote for what they want and that in most cases is for a better future for their own.
It's not pretty but when it comes down to it would you vote for the guy that was going to ensure top quality educational facilities for your child in your area or would you vote for the guy that was going to tackle illiteracy nationwide because that is the broader issue?
But that's the thing. I don't vote for 'guys' I vote for representatives of the party who's policies I agree with. Voting for individuals on the basis of local issues is short sighted and the opportunity shouldn't be afforded to voters. As RonanC has said, elected TDs should be immediately removed from local politics. They are not Co Councillors, they are meant to be running the country.
Out of fairness the total valid poll in the North Tipp constituency was 48,273. Lowry got 14,104 which is 29% of those who voted.

I am not a supporter nor do I support what he done but surely blaming all the people of North Tipperary as a whole is a bit unfair.

I do think that the real kernel of the problem there is that Lowry is better than the rest of the parties in Tipp in representing them. From what I have heard from friends is that he stays in contact with local groups etc. from the beginning to the end whereas the rest only turn up for the photo's!!!