Should it be against the law to smoke in a car in which children are present? 5/2008

Re: Smoking in the car with Children

How far would you take this? Banning children from eating fast food? From using the interweb? Watching TV? Playing outside?

Ah yes, the old slippery slope fallacy.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Will you expect the children to carry ID to enforce this? And why not completely ban smoking in the presence of children?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Will you expect the children to carry ID to enforce this? And why not completely ban smoking in the presence of children?
I don't understand your first remark. Re your second, that is the point of this thread. People shouldn't smoke around children.
Where do you stand on children having to be properly secured and strapped in when they're in a car. Do you also ascribe this to the nanny state and feel that this decision should be left up to their parents and not legislated for?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

I don't understand your first remark.

Presumably children includes teens up to 17? But 18 year olds wouldn't be covered? How will the garda differentiate?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Regardless of whether people think its right or wrong to smoke in a car with a child, you cannot force people to raise their children in a particular way.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

The best thing to do is to educate people and turn the whole issue into a social stigma. It used to be a "bit of laugh" to drink and drive, with little penalties (both my grandfathers smashed up several vehicles whilst coming home from the pub), then it became frowned upon, and nowadays it is becoming a big taboo to break. I can imagine the same thing happening with smoking - it is pretty much unacceptable in public places now and I can't believe the screw won't turn on it more anyway.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

In my opinion- Smoking should be banned from sale in this country. it does no good.

I was shocked a couple of times after seeing heavily pregnant woman smoking. It's understandable 20/30 years ago but not now when the dog on the street know the effects of them.
It's an dirty smelly addiction.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Banning it will create a black market in ciggies and the addicts will be criminalised in the same way people are for using drugs. You cant force people to live in a way thats right for them - smoking is a dirty smelly addiction, but people who eat badly and are massively overweight are just as negligent to their health as are alcoholics, junkies and no doubt a variety of other things that people do.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Presumably children includes teens up to 17? But 18 year olds wouldn't be covered? How will the garda differentiate?

Presumably in the same way they deal with anything else. If they have a suspicion that the law is being broken, they ask for details. How do they know if the young driver of a car is old enough to be driving or is a year below the minimum age?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Do you think that drink driving should be legal and the government should just concentrate on developing the social stigma side of things or do you think that they should go hand-in-hand?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

So, is it better to criminalize a self-destructive act and push it to the margins of society or allow it to remain as a heavily regulated and taxed vice. That is the question, and it can be applied to all drugs not just nicotine and alcohol.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

I'm a little surprised at this post, I wouldn't have thought you were a fan of the nanny state.

I don't care what consenting adults get up to in private. If they want to smoke themselves to death that's their own business, but I have a problem with them damaging the health of their children while they are at it.
By the same token if they want to drive their car off a bridge then off they go but they shouldn't do it while their kids are in it.
The same applies to their social activity; if they get their kicks by engaging in what some would consider to be perverted or depraved sexual activities then off they go but they shouldn't let their kids watch (or include them).

The common factors are consensual and adult. Then either of these are absent I have a problem with it.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

So, is it better to criminalize a self-destructive act and push it to the margins of society or allow it to remain as a heavily regulated and taxed vice. That is the question, and it can be applied to all drugs not just nicotine and alcohol.

Im on for regulation and tax. I dont like the idea of my free will being removed.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

How do they know if the young driver of a car is old enough to be driving or is a year below the minimum age?

They ask to see his/her driving licence (provisional or full), a recognised form of identification that all drivers are required by law to have in their possession when driving - not something passengers are expected to have.

Presumably in the same way they deal with anything else.

I'm not aware of other similar situations (maybe seat belts?). A driver will need to prove that all the occupants of the car are over 18 if he is smoking? How? What about a car full of 17 year olds - would the driver be charged if caught smoking?

This is not enforcable and not worth attempting.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

What Purple actually asked was, should it be illegal for adults to smoke in a car in which children are present. Myself and a number of other posters think it should be. Working out the practical arrangements for implementing such a ban is a different matter and would be for the policy makers in Dept of Justice/Dept of Health to get to grips with. I simply think that it would be a good idea if such a ban could be introduced and enforced.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

While I agree that people should not smoke in a car with children present I dont think that criminalising the act will have as much success at stamping it out as stigmatising it would.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Im on for regulation and tax. I dont like the idea of my free will being removed.

When you are addicted to cigarettes your free will is removed!!
you cannot give them up even if you wanted to as you are addicted for life.

As an experiment, try to give them up for 24 hours. you will be gone round the bend looking for your fix after 8 hours.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Rubbish - many people successfully give them up.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

It is estimated that the average car spews out 10,000 times the noxious fumes of the average smoker.
Route the exhaust pipe back into the car with yourself and your kids and see what the garda do to you (if they catch you in time).
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Rubbish - many people successfully give them up.

Bet you couldn't give them up even if you wanted to. You might like to think you can but you can't.

I know alot of smokers and the only people who gave them up successfully were the ones who had a health scare.

Damage is usually done by then.