Should it be against the law to smoke in a car in which children are present? 5/2008


Registered User
A number of times recently I have noticed people smoking in their car while there are children in the back. While smoking in a car is disgusting doing so when there are children should be criminal.
Should it be against the law to smoke in a car in which children are also present?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

These people who smoke in their cars with their children in the car are disgusting,selfish people as simple as that, same with people who smoke in their houses while their children are beside them.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

These people who smoke in their cars with their children in the car are disgusting,selfish people as simple as that, same with people who smoke in their houses while their children are beside them.

The only thing worse than smoking in the car with children is smoking while pregnant. I saw 2 women standing outside the local shopping centre smoking, one was probably about 6 months pregnant, the other was almost ready to pop!
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Should it be against the law to smoke in a car in which children are also present?
It is estimated that the average car spews out 10,000 times the noxious fumes of the average smoker. Should it be against the law to drive near schools?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Comparing an enclosed space with the open air isn't really valid.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Was reading recently that a country somewhere has outlawed smoking in cars. Can't remember the country but I think it was Australia or Canada. I would love to see it enforced here.

Slightly off topic but I was filling the car tonight at a petrol station and this guy walked past me smoking a cigerette. Still in a bit of shock from it.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Should it be against the law to drive near schools?

Judging by the traffic congestion in and around schools I would say most definitely. Particularly when most car journeys on the school run are less than a mile.

Children walking to school seems to be a very old-fashioned concept...
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

The only thing worse than smoking in the car with children is smoking while pregnant. I saw 2 women standing outside the local shopping centre smoking, one was probably about 6 months pregnant, the other was almost ready to pop!
I'd advise you to avoid the west side of Parnell Square near the entrance to the Rotunda so otherwise you might get very upset. Probably the same around any Irish maternity hospital?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

A number of times recently I have noticed people smoking in their car while there are children in the back. While smoking in a car is disgusting doing so when there are children should be criminal.
Should it be against the law to smoke in a car in which children are also present?

I'm a little surprised at this post, I wouldn't have thought you were a fan of the nanny state.

Personally speaking, I don't really care - if these parents/adults choose to smoke in presence of children (in car, at home etc) with all the information in the public domain about effects of smoking and passive smoking, they take responsibility for their actions. As long as the taxes from their smoking exceed health spending on smoking related illnesses, it isn't a problem.

As one of the other posters says, why prevent this and not prevent smoking where children are at home? I know cars are confined spaces, but so are kitchens, sitting rooms etc.

And of course it wouldn't be enforced anyway - how many times a day do you see road users (and I am one, but commute to work) break existing laws - using mobiles, ignoring traffic lights, speeding, unaccompanied provisional drivers etc.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Do we not have a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves? I think someone smoking in a car with children is appalling. I also think seperated parents bludgeoning each other in front of their children, screaming and shouting at each other in front of them, involving other friends and family in the same type of behaviour
, taking illegal druges etc etc is appalling too. Or the myriad of other things parents do like Larkin said. Don't see the state doing much about that either. So I wouldnt hold my breath on a law being brought in on this one.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Maybe we should go the whole hog and not only make it criminal to smoke in the presence of children but also make it illegal to ever feed them anything except good food, ever shout at them or treat them with anything other than saintlike patience. Then again, we really should stop driving except for journeys that are absolutely necessary and in that way endeavour to have only the cleanest air going in to their lungs.
As for their mental health , perhaps they should never see the mood altering effect of even a glass of wine, children are very observant and is this a good example to set them? In fact really should all parents be prohibited from drinking whilst rearing kids, even if they are not present; the after effects,eg, smell, empty bottles, are still there next day.
Yes, the more I think of it,maybe in this brave new world , only those of us who have met special conditions should be allowed breed and rear...........slim, non smokers,minimal drinkers(and of course never in pregnancy !!!!), intelligent people suited to the task. Where have we heard all this sort of ............before?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children who have met special conditions should be allowed breed and rear...........slim, non smokers,minimal drinkers(and of course never in pregnancy !!!!), intelligent people suited to the task. Where have we heard all this sort of ............before?

I dunno, was it a film?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

And of course it wouldn't be enforced anyway - how many times a day do you see road users (and I am one, but commute to work) break existing laws - using mobiles, ignoring traffic lights, speeding, unaccompanied provisional drivers etc.
This is an important point. We even see existing regulations about kids in cars (i.e. the need for car seats/booster seats/seat belts) being flouted fairly regularly. The last thing we need is more unenforced legislation.

However, enforcement of and compliance with the smoking ban in the workplace has been spectacularly good, so perhaps there is something that can be built on there.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

nobody should be allowed smoke around children.A Ban on smoking at home would be impossible to enforce, but I would definitely have no problem with legislation being introduced to ban smoking in cars. It has nothing to do with a 'nanny state', it is simply preventing irresponsible adults from endangering the health of children.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

Yes, the more I think of it,maybe in this brave new world , only those of us who have met special conditions should be allowed breed and rear...........slim, non smokers,minimal drinkers(and of course never in pregnancy !!!!), intelligent people suited to the task. Where have we heard all this sort of ............before?
Sounds better than the dysgenics we've got going on at the moment.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

nobody should be allowed smoke around children.A Ban on smoking at home would be impossible to enforce, but I would definitely have no problem with legislation being introduced to ban smoking in cars. It has nothing to do with a 'nanny state', it is simply preventing irresponsible adults from endangering the health of children.

That's very close to my own view, and I smoke.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

It has nothing to do with a 'nanny state', it is simply preventing irresponsible adults from endangering the health of children.

How far would you take this? Banning children from eating fast food? From using the interweb? Watching TV? Playing outside?
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

The only thing worse than smoking in the car with children is smoking while pregnant. I saw 2 women standing outside the local shopping centre smoking, one was probably about 6 months pregnant, the other was almost ready to pop!

Or smoking at hospital doors. Have seen it numerous times. Patients in their pyjamas. Unbelievable!
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

How far would you take this? Banning children from eating fast food? From using the interweb? Watching TV? Playing outside?

This isn't about banning children from doing something. Its about banning adults from doing something in a location where they're harming the health of children. If we used your logic the current smoking ban would never have come into effect and I, for one, think it has been very effective.
Re: Smoking in the car with Children

I smoke but I'm very conscious of others, particularly kids.

I smoke in the car occasionally when driving alone but only when I know that I won't be picking up passengers within the next hour or so.

I don't smoke in my own house and even when outside, especially during parades or something that attracts children/families, I would make an effort to minimise the impact of smoke on people nearby.

Point being - I make some effort and I don't even have kids.

Maybe a course in parenting skills is what these people need before any legislation is considered.