Re: Should I sell and rent for a while ?
Signed up for an AAM account just to reply to this thread, as I'm pretty perturbed by some of the stuff being said here.
OP, let me say to you in all honesty that this sounds to me like you are very seriously behind the times.
The valuation you got in 2006 - the top of the market - is utterly meaningless in 2008. I note that you have shaved around 10% off the valuation you got back then to get your 600k figure. Now, I don't know where your house is, but wherever it is, if it has only fallen in value by 10% in that time I would be absolutely astonished. In my opinion, you will be lucky to get the 2006 price minus 20%. And given that the valuations you were given in 2006 were in themselves probably optimistic in the first place, I think you need to work on figures of 650k for the 2006 valuation, minus 20%, giving you a figure of 550k +/- today. My personal opinion is a property valued at 650k in 06 would now sell at or below 500k, but that's a reflection of my bearishness on property, and I'm not gonna try to convince anyone to accept that big a drop. But even conservatively, 550k to me looks tops.
And with respect, you seem somewhat naive in your presumption that it will sell even at this kind of price. Not everyone is aware of this yet, but the market is absolutely tanking at the moment. Every day we are seeing more and more price drops. Prices could be falling at almost 2% per month at this point. Expecting to offload your place at 2006 valuation less 10% in that environment is very, very optimistic. Why would somebody buy your house when it will be 10% cheaper by the end of year?
If I could say something else with the greatest respect, I think this thread shows that people are not at all coming to terms with the seriousness of the situation in the property market. It is absolute carnage out there folks. That OP still thinks he can make money from this kind of move is naive in the extreme. Please don't take that as an insult OP - it's not meant to be one - it's just my honest opinion about how uniformed people are about the current market. It is going belly-up by the hour, and yet a lot of people still see it as a sure-fire money maker. That people are still apparantly thinking like this astounds me.
Basically OP, selling to rent is a really good idea, but it is 2 years too late. You cannot get that time back, the moment is passed and your idea will not now work.
FWIW, I am not a VI or in anyway connected with property buying/selling.
Signed up for an AAM account just to reply to this thread, as I'm pretty perturbed by some of the stuff being said here.
We are contemplating selling up our family home which we purchased in 2004. We had it valued at between 650 and 700 by a couple of local EA's in 2006. Unfortunately due to market conditions we are looking at around the 600k mark now. I am of the view that selling now for as close as possible to 600 and rent for a year is a clever move.
OP, let me say to you in all honesty that this sounds to me like you are very seriously behind the times.
The valuation you got in 2006 - the top of the market - is utterly meaningless in 2008. I note that you have shaved around 10% off the valuation you got back then to get your 600k figure. Now, I don't know where your house is, but wherever it is, if it has only fallen in value by 10% in that time I would be absolutely astonished. In my opinion, you will be lucky to get the 2006 price minus 20%. And given that the valuations you were given in 2006 were in themselves probably optimistic in the first place, I think you need to work on figures of 650k for the 2006 valuation, minus 20%, giving you a figure of 550k +/- today. My personal opinion is a property valued at 650k in 06 would now sell at or below 500k, but that's a reflection of my bearishness on property, and I'm not gonna try to convince anyone to accept that big a drop. But even conservatively, 550k to me looks tops.
And with respect, you seem somewhat naive in your presumption that it will sell even at this kind of price. Not everyone is aware of this yet, but the market is absolutely tanking at the moment. Every day we are seeing more and more price drops. Prices could be falling at almost 2% per month at this point. Expecting to offload your place at 2006 valuation less 10% in that environment is very, very optimistic. Why would somebody buy your house when it will be 10% cheaper by the end of year?
If I could say something else with the greatest respect, I think this thread shows that people are not at all coming to terms with the seriousness of the situation in the property market. It is absolute carnage out there folks. That OP still thinks he can make money from this kind of move is naive in the extreme. Please don't take that as an insult OP - it's not meant to be one - it's just my honest opinion about how uniformed people are about the current market. It is going belly-up by the hour, and yet a lot of people still see it as a sure-fire money maker. That people are still apparantly thinking like this astounds me.
Basically OP, selling to rent is a really good idea, but it is 2 years too late. You cannot get that time back, the moment is passed and your idea will not now work.
FWIW, I am not a VI or in anyway connected with property buying/selling.